Transducer Dos And Don'ts

In the event that you have ultrasound transducers, you should realize that you have to utilize and take great look after them to keep going for quite a while. To enable you to out, here are a portion of the rules and regulations you should see to take great care of the units:

Transducer dos

When taking care of the units, recollect that they are fragile; hence, handle them with outrageous care

When you are done, put the units in the test holder. To dodge the units falling, make utilization of divider mounted holders. You should put them with the focal point confronting up.

Before you associate any ultrasound framework to the transducers, assess them for any harm. On the off chance that they are harmed, you shouldn't utilize them. Let a specialist think about it with the goal that he/she can settle the harm. Probably the most well-known issues you will discover with transducers include: broken test pins, link cuts, uncovered wires, liquid releases, surface splits and numerous others.

Before you put the units in their holders, it's suggested that you clean them. A few people wrongly wash them while they are as yet joined to the ultrasound framework. This shouldn't be you. Before you simply ahead and clean them, separate them from the framework.

When cleaning them, take after the techniques displayed in the manual. Unless you are utilizing a demonstrated cleaning technique, abstain from cleaning the units with your strategy.

Transducer don'ts

As said, you have to deal with the units with mind. As general guideline don't drop or thump the transducers or transducer focal point on the seat. You should take note of that even a minor split on the tests would bomb; hence, guarantee that the units don't confront any harm.

Notwithstanding being wary when dealing with them, you additionally be cautious when you aren't utilizing them. As general guideline, never leave the transducers in a range where they are at the danger of being dropped or thumped over.

When working, take alert that you don't drench them more profound than would normally be appropriate. Continuously guarantee that you don't dunk the connector or connector into any fluid. Additionally, don't matter extreme twisting or pulling power to the link as it will bring about harm. You likewise shouldn't matter over the top compel to the link when working.


These are the rules and regulations of transducers you should think about. For the units to keep going for quite a while, be mindful of how you handle them amid and after work.