Photo via Jonathan Liandi
Head of Esports EVOS Leaks Oura Price When at EVOS, Equal to RRQ Lemon? The esports ecosystem around the world, especially in Indonesia, continues to grow from year to year.
Even during the corona virus pandemic (Covid-19), it could be said that esports was one of the sports that was affected by the pandemic which was not too badly affected by other sports such as football, badminton and basketball.
This shows that the esports industry can still survive this situation and become an established industry. So it’s not wrong that many Indonesian teenagers want to become pro players.
The size of the pro player salary itself can be said to be equivalent to the Regional Minimum Wage (UMR). But surely we are curious about how much is the salary of a pro player who is currently famous?

The Head of Esports from the EVOS Esports team, Aldean Tegar, was a guest star at Empetalk. At that time Jonathan Landi asked first about the most expensive player since EVOS MLBB was formed.
“Eko (Oura), the price may be similar to the MPL 1 million dollars,” he said. That price is the same price from a player nicknamed Alien, namely Lemon from Rex Regum Qeon (RRQ).
Jonathan Liandi again asked about the salary price of Oura and JessNoLimit when he was still active as a pro player at EVOS Esports.
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There is a giveaway contest with a prize of 1 million rupiah in game vouchers in the application!
“Eko (salary) head 2 or 3 can be a month. If Justin (JessNoLimit) used to be around that much, the value was also like that, “added Aldean Tegar. The 2 or 3 heads referred to here are 20 to 30 million.
So it’s not wrong that you want to be a pro player in esports, because if you have a good mechanic, practice often and have a good attitude then you can be successful later.
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