Hero Counter Roger Mobile Legends (ML) Latest 2020

This is the most effective Roger Mobile Legends (ML) 2020 counter hero so far.

The currently rising hero fighter in Mobile Legends, Roger, is currently being fought over by the players.

This is because Roger himself is a typical hero who is very flexible with the current Mobile Legends meta game in season 18.

He can play on the sideline very well, as well as when played in the midlane whose abilities are very scary.

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But wait, behind Roger’s terrifying ability for the season 18 of Mobile Legends at this time, he still has some of his natural counter heroes that SPIN Esports will list below!

Here are 5 hero counters from Roger in the latest 2020 Mobile Legends.


The first hero is Freya with her ability to increase damage and defense high enough to make Freya very easy to defeat Roger.

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When he attacked Freya, Roger would have trouble because Freya’s own shield was thick enough as a hero fighter.


The second hero is Zhask where Roger will definitely have difficulty killing Zhask who is accompanied by his little joni who can inflict quite pain and stun damage to the opposing hero who approaches him.

Not to mention if Zhask enters Joni’s body, the damage will increase and can kill Roger easily.


The third hero is Aldous, but here with a note that the stack must reach 100 first to dare to 1vs1 with Roger.

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Then next is Natalia with her abilities that can disappear, is immune to damage and so on, making her name worthy of being used to counter this Roger.


The last one is Fanny, with her activities that can kill Roger very easily and quickly make herself into this list.

Those are the five hero counters from Roger that you can try at home, what do you think spinners?

In addition to information that in counting Roger all heroes can be used depending on how great the user is playing the hero.

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