Latest Build Khaleed Mobile Legends 2020

Latest Build Khaleed Mobile Legends 2020

Photo via: Mobile Legends

Latest Build Khaleed Mobile Legends 2020! Land of Dawn is back with the arrival of a new hero suitable for the current fighter role. The name of the hero is Khaleed, who is said to be a sand controlling hero by the Indonesian Mobile Legends community.

This hero still can’t be bought permanently, but spinners can get this hero by spending 20 Diamonds to get the Khaleed hero for 3 days, which can be said that the price for 3 days is quite feasible.

Khaleed Mobile Legends
Photo via: Mobile Legends

This hero has quite a lot of damage in the early game and mid game, but the damage is less pronounced when entering the late game. Therefore in this article, SPIN Esports will provide recommendations for Khaleed builds for spinners.

  1. Spell: Flicker or Retribution
  2. Emblem: Festival of Blood
  • Raptor Machete
  • Warrior Boots
  • Bloodlust Ax
  • Blade of Despair
  • Queen’s Wings
  • Immortality

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Build Khaleed Mobile Legends

Many use Rapid Boots for their shoes because they take advantage of Khaleed’s passivity, but if it’s for sidelane, it’s best to use Warrior Boots if it’s 1 lane with physical damage heroes or Tough Boots if 1 lane with magic damage heroes.

Bloodlust Ax itself seems mandatory for this hero, because the Spell Vamp will activate when Desert Tornado (skill 1) and Raging Sandstorm (ultimate). Plus Queen’s Wings to reduce damage by 50 percent when blood is less than 40 percent and has a 30 percent physical lifesteal effect which can also be used for this hero.

Blade of Despair is an item that increases damage and Immortality will give additional life to Khaleed, where this item will be very useful in the mid or late game.

There is a giveaway contest with a prize of 1 million rupiah in game vouchers in the application!

That’s the Khaleed Mobile Legends build from SPIN Esports that spinners can imitate, hope this helps! Don’t forget to keep visiting website us, to get the latest eSports news and follow it Facebook we!

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