The AUG weapon will be present in the Latest Free Fire FF Update!

Free Fire’s latest OB23 update is coming soon, and several leaks and rumors have appeared on social media regarding what FF lovers will receive in this update. The good news, one of these rumors has been confirmed by Free Fire developer, Garena. In an announcement regarding the Advance Server, Garena has released a photo on the Free Fire Brasil twitter account regarding the new weapon, the AUG! In this article, SPIN Esports will discuss everything you know about the confirmed AUG weapons to be present in the Free Fire (FF) update!

Free Fire will release AUG

Actually, the AUG weapon has been around since the first Free Fire game was designed. If you are a FF Veteran, AUG can be found in the beta, tutorials and also official photos from the Free Fire social media accounts. Even so, it looks like this one weapon has never been present in the FF game until the next update.

But finally Garena has officially stated that the AUG weapon can be used when the OB23 update arrives at the end of July. They made a post on the Free Fire Brazil social media accounts showing what this weapon looks like and when you can try it. So, for those of you who are impatient, you can immediately try this latest weapon on the Advance Server FF! Advance Server registration is still open until 19 July.

Everything you need to know about AUG

Source: Youtube Randy Rangers

There is a giveaway contest with a prize of 1 million rupiah in game vouchers in the application!

In other shooter games, AUG is an assault rifle known for its good damage and accuracy, as well as high fire rates, and it seems that these characteristics will also be found in Free Fire. Like the XM8 weapon, AUG is equipped with a 2x scope and has a fire rate like AK47 and M4A1 with high damage.

Also Read: How to Join Free Fire Advance Server July 2020!

Because it comes with a scope, AUG has good accuracy so this weapon is perfect for mid-range combat. But you can also use it for long range battles by adding a higher scope. Since the AUG is an Assault Rifle, movement speed (moving speed) You will be much slower when holding this weapon. So, you better not hold anything while moving in the open so that your character can move faster.

This is information about Free Fire, which has confirmed that the AUG weapon will be present in the latest Free Fire update! Don’t forget to keep visiting our website, to get the latest eSports news and follow our Facebook!

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