4 Best Support Champions to Master in LoL Wild Rift!

4 Best Support Champions to Master in LoL Wild Rift!

The support role is one of the most important roles on the team, especially in MOBA games.

If there is no support role, the balance of the team will be lost and the opponent will reverse using the vacant space.

One of the rising mobile mob games, League of Legends: Wild Lift, supports a myriad of roles that help teams win matches, whether they play against other players or in ranking mode. There is a champion. Here are the four best champions of LoL Wild Rift.

4 Best Support Champion LoL Wild Rift

Blitz crank

The Blitz Crank is a champion with two roles: tank and support. The less difficult Blitz Crank is the player’s most chosen champion.

His position, which is more guarding and helping the ADC in Dragon Lane, can make his opponent difficult with his rocket grab skill, so the next ADC can easily kill his opponent.

In addition, the drive skill and the ultimate skill of the static field are used as a combo at the beginning of the group battle.

Also read: The Best Blitz Crank LoL Wild Lift Build of 2020!

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Serafin wallpaper

Source: Earlygame.com

Like Blitz Crank, Serafin is a champion who has two roles, mage and support, and the difficulty level is low.

Against the full support Blitz crank, Serafin can act as a champion in the mid lane. Positioned as a support champion, it is the strongest support in the LoL Wild Rift at the moment.

Serafin itself has two skills that can make your opponent difficult when doing a team fight: Beat Drop and Encore. Serafin’s passive skill, Stage Presence, gives an echo effect on the third activation. can do.

Read also: The 3 best champions to compete with Master Yi in LoL Wild Rift!


Alistair wallpaper

Source: Leagueoflegends.fandom.com

Alistair, the champion in the shape of the Minotaur, is a support that doubles as a tank. His position as a support and tank has made him a very easy-to-use champion for players.

Alistar players must be able to place themselves when ganging one of the enemy champions by using their headbutt skills to throw them into the tower area and make it easier to get kills.

Alistair’s passive skills cannot be underestimated. This skill, which can be filled to the limit, can supply additional blood to friends and stun enemies.


Braum wallpaper

Source: na.leagueoflegends.com

Braum became the next champion and one of the best supporters of the LoL Wild Lift. A champion with two positions, tank and support. Braum, who always had this big shield, was a defensive support.

The skill that describes Braum as a defensive champion is Unbreakable, which allows you to protect your neighbor’s ADC by resisting several opponent attacks.

In addition, this Stand Behind Me skill can give fellow champions additional armor and magical resistance for a few seconds. In addition, the first ultimate skills, Winters Bite and Glacial Fissure, are very helpful when fighting in teams.

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