5 Hero Counter Tigreal Mobile Legends (ML), Helping Him

5 Hero Counter Tigreal Mobile Legends (ML), Helping Him

After other tanks such as Khufra, Atlas, and Grock have been completely weakened, the recent improvements to Tigreal have become one of the tanks that players will pay attention to again.

Good crowd control makes it easier to gamble with your enemies. Especially after modifying the Ultimate Ability, it will be faster and easier to CC against your opponent.

Also read: 5 Support Heroes in the Strongest Mobile Legends (ML) Season 19. CC and OP damage!

Not to mention the boost of skill 2 that makes it easy to stop the opponent’s movement.

If it’s hard to fight him here, SPIN Esports shares Tigreal’s five hero counters, so this tank is powerless to you.


Butterfly Hero Counter Tigreal
Source: uhdpaper.com

Always META, this hero has amazing skills. Being agile and agile, it is difficult for the relatively slow Tigrial.

Tigreal has a terrifying CC, but Chou is agile and Ultimate can lock enemies.

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Of course, butterflies have no problems with Tigrial. Even Tigreal will have a hard time confronting Chou.


Valil Hero Counter Tigular
Source: uhdpaper.com

Valir with Skill 1 and Skill 2 makes it very easy to target Tigreal, which is less agile and agile.

Of course, with these skills, Valil can very easily fight Tigrial and kill him before Tigrial issues the skill.

In addition, Valir’s Ultimate can easily bypass Tigreal’s CC.


Akai Hero Counter Tigreal
Source: uhdpaper.com

His Ultimate Akai is very useful for Tigreal. Akai, who has an ultimate that can move his opponent, certainly makes it difficult to make Tigreal an ultimate.

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Curry Hero Counter Tigreal
Source: uhdpaper.com

Tigrial has a passive that thickens him, but Curry also has a passive that weakens the thicker ones. Of course, this is Karrie’s advantage. In particular, Tigreal’s movement speed is quite slow.


Claude Hero Counter Tigular
Source: uhdpaper.com

The combination of Claude’s agility and the Demon Hunter Sword can be difficult for Tigrial.

Of course, Tigrial, who is close in distance when performing a skill, becomes powerless in the face of actual agile Claude, and coupled with DHS, makes Tigrial even more difficult.

These are the five hero counters that power Tigreal. Of course, he has great skills and great hero mastery skills. Good luck spinner.

Also read: Mobile Legends (ML) Season 19 Five Common Jungle Mistakes, What Are They?

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