5 Latest Bain Mobile Legends Counter Hero, Make a Note!

This is a list of 5 hero counterbains Mobile Legends The latest thing you have to be aware of, the spinner.

Bain has become one of the current OP heroes by earning a fairly unique buff with the latest patch update provided yesterday.

His ability to deal physical and magical damage at the same time is sufficient to confuse the player in counteracting the power of his OP.

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Here SPINE sports help counteract the power of OPBane’s heroes Mobile Legends By providing a list of hero counters! Anyone?


Draft Topic Hero MLBB
Source: uhdpaper.com

The first hero is a butterfly. Due to its high mobility, it is very difficult for Bain to attack butterflies from close range.

Even Bain’s third skill can be easily evaded by a butterfly with his second skill. Therefore, Chou needs to be monitored by Bane users.


Popular ML hero in Rank Season 19
Source: uhdpaper.com

Next is Johnson, this is Johnson’s third skill that only Bain can easily compete with.

His third skill is unaffected by Bain’s third skill and is very pleased to attack him directly.


Counterhero Aggressive Mobile Legends
Source: uhdpaper.com

The third is Selena. Here, Selena can only counter Bane with a second skill or what the player calls a catfish.

If Skill 2 hits Bain, Serena can easily kill him, but if she doesn’t, it’s very difficult to kill.


Uranus Offrainer MLBB
Source: uhdpaper.com

Next is Uranus. Uranus’s high maneuverability makes it very difficult for Bain to attack him.

Bain’s first skill, like the third skill, is very difficult to direct and is very effective against Bain. Bain isn’t strong enough if he relies solely on passive and basic attacks.

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Yun Zao Mobile Legends

And the last is Giron, like Uranus and butterflies. Here, Giron’s mobility is the key to defeating Bain.

Needless to say, Giron’s attack speed is much faster than Bain’s. Therefore, Giron can easily and quickly defeat Bain.

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