Anthony Davis wants to play nine more finals with LeBron James

A few hours before the first match began, feelings of excitement and optimism spread throughout the city of Los Angeles. Dan Davis says he wants to play Revlon in the final nine.

After a decade of failure, the Lakers have finally returned to the top and are fighting for the NBA Championship, led by the best players in the NBA today.

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For Anthony Davis, a foreign land, this season’s extraordinary success is something he doesn’t want to leave.

Chatting with Chris Haines, He explained a bit about how it feels to be on this stage with teammates like LeBron James.

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“You can see how Lebron is performing and preparing every day and understand why this is his 10th NBA Finals appearance.

“That’s because he never stops. I will follow him everywhere and look forward to playing again in all nine finals. ”

“I don’t want a long gap between the finals,” Davis told Yahoo Sports.

“You can see [Rajon Rondo], He is 10 years away from his finals and Dwight [Howard] 11 years left.

“I don’t want that to happen to me. I want to be here. I came to Los Angeles to compete for the championship and worked hard.”

Source: Youtube / Bleacher Report

Anthony Davis has the opportunity to become a free agent indefinitely beyond this season, and that possibility has been a hot topic all year round.

But why are you leaving LA now? Lebron still looked great, the Lakers returned to the top of the world, and the team finally realized how special he was.

In the midst of a lot of things happening, this purple and gold team managed to get it done in a better place than it was when they started without AD.

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