Apparently Alter Ego had a Dota 2 division!

Apparently Alter Ego had a Dota 2 Division! We are talking about one of the successful Indonesian esports organizations. So Alter Ego should definitely be mentioned in the nomination.

Alter Ego itself has so many divisions, one of the most brilliant divisions is the Mobile Legends Professional League (MPL) Indonesia Season 6 runner-up Mobile Legends division.

However, Alter Ego seems to have had a Dota 2 division early in the Alter Ego esports organization.

Read also: History of Alter Ego’s esports organization formation

History of alter ego

This was directly stated by Delwin, CEO of Alter Ego, to Jonathan Riandi’s Empetalk, which was uploaded yesterday on October 26, 2020.

“Following Dota will give birth to the GESC Jakarta Minor. Now that the GESC Jakarta Minor is probably Indonesia’s first minor, it’s a hype. So, if I remember correctly, the VIP ticket costs about $ 4,000, Sold within 3 hours.

It’s the first time Indians have met Dendy, so you can meet wealthy players just by watching TV on your monitor.

If you would like to purchase, click the image above!

As you know, in India at the time, three strong Dota teams had BOOM, RRQ EVOS and TP.NND. These were the four strongest teams in India. There is a player Keltzard was playing in RRQ, “Delwin explained.

For more information, Spinner can access the video below directly.

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