Benefits of PUBG Mobile Desert Eagle Weapon | Spin

The Desert Eagle is one of the well-known weapons in the PUBG mobile community. The Desert Eagle is one of the most feared weapons, especially in games other than PUBG Mobile.

Desert Eagle has established itself as one of the most popular weapons in PUBG Mobile games due to its incredible power and maneuverability. If you’re using the Desert Eagle, you can defeat your enemies with just three bullets.

However, the Desert Eagle also has drop-off damage. Spinner The less damage you have from your enemies, the less damage you will hit them. However, as a melee weapon, none of PUBG Mobile’s weapons rivals the brutal efficiency of the Eagle.

Source: PUBG Mobile

So where do you find this Desert Eagle? This weapon can be used in all matches, game modes and maps. It is often found in places such as school apartments, Pochinki and Severny.

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This piston uses ACP 45 ammo, a common type of ammo in the game, and is very easy to find on any map. Using the Desert Eagle has several advantages, including:

1. If the player is not familiar with tight melee weapons, this weapon can be used as an assault rifle weapon holder attachment.

2. The capacity of the magazine can be expanded to 10 out of 7.

3. Large headshot damage. With this weapon, you can defeat the enemy with just a few shots.

4. Good shot rate and easy to release without delay.

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Source: PUBG Mobile

Given the greatness of the Desert Eagle and its practicality, this weapon is arguably one of my favorites.Don’t forget to visit website To get the latest news about us, eSports!

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