Calger finally opposes the case of Luok FF!

Do you still remember the recent Youtuber incident? Yes, the Ruok FF case is still being discussed by some Youtubers.

This case occurred when I created Free Fire content and reported that a Thai YouTuber, trusted and loved by fans, was using cheats.

Some Youtubers and content creators have accused Ruok of using scripts that are very smooth to play, always have headshots, and do a lot of damage.

Read also: This is a list of 500 Free Fire accounts November 2020

Direct figures from Free Fire Youtubers Kulgar and Garena screamed to discuss Luok FF in his video.

After several YouTubers discussed Luok’s case, Calger finally discussed a bit through his glasses.

Read also: It’s time for YouTube to be insulted by Thai YouTuber with comments from Ruok FF!

Calger’s reaction to Ruoku FF!

In a recent video, Kalgar mentioned and discussed a bit about the fast-growing Luok FF case.

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He also said he couldn’t tell if he was using cheats because he wasn’t watching a video of Thai YouTuber becoming viral while playing Clash Squad.

However, YouTuber’s business uses cheats, and Indonesian and Thai GMs are different, so it should not be the job of a Thai general manager (GM).

He’s from the Thai region and GM Indo and GM Thailand are different, so it’s hard to tell if he’s having an affair. ” Said while playing.

While discussing the next top-up prize leak, Kulgar said he would contact GM Thailand to discuss it.

Also read: Video description from Ruok Free Fire (FF) for cheat accusations!

If it is true that Luok had an affair, the Thai GM was immediately asked to ban his account and must act swiftly.

Yes, I will try to contact GM Thailand later. Yes, and if it turns out to be a cheat, ask me to ban my account. Kruger said.

So be careful, spinners, galinas don’t see people like Youtubers or athletes. If you’re fooled, you’re banned.

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