Crazy! JessNoLimit Spend 10 Million For This Skin on PUBG Mobile

JessNoLimit Spends 10 Million For Yeti Skin on PUBG Mobile

JessNoLimit Spends 10 Million For Yeti Skin on PUBG Mobile

GridGames.ID – PUBG Mobile has just released the Yeti skin in order to welcome the Vikendi map.

This Yeti Skin limited edition and also the most difficult to get because it will take a lot of UC for the skin legendary this.

JessNoLimit this time drool with this Yeti skin and is willing to do it top up UC of 10 million rupiah for this skin.

For JessNoLimit, buying skins on PUBG Mobile costs a lot of money and feels nervous because they can’t get them right away.

JessNoLimit uploaded the process of getting skin limited edition This was via his YouTube account a few days ago.

Also Read: Here are 7 Tips to Become a Pro Player of PUBG Mobile for the Jeixy EVOS eSport version!

JessNoLimit Spends 10 Million For Yeti Skin on PUBG Mobile

JessNoLimit Spends 10 Million For Yeti Skin on PUBG Mobile

In the video, JessNoLimit does draw 10 million and get UC 62 thousand specifically for this skin.

JessNoLimit 17 times or about 18,360 UC until finally lucky to get this Legendary Yeti skin.

Approximately, how much should be spent in dirupiahkan?

In rupiah, 18,360 UC is equal to 3 million rupiah to get this Yeti skin. Another advantage is getting skins mythic or legendary other.

Also Read: End of Season 4, PUBG Mobile Shares Cool and Cheap Skin Promos!

For JessNoLimit, this Yeti skin is really cool to use on the Vikendi map because it can take shelter in the snowy areas.

In addition, Justin hopes that there will be features gift skins to be able to share skins for PUBG players.

You already have a skin legendary this yet?


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