Dragon Quest Of The Stars Enters Pre-Order Stage
GridGames.ID – Square Enix as the developer of JPRG-themed games, announced that the pre-order stage for the Dragon Quest Of The Stars game has opened.
Since the first release of Dragon Quest of The Star in Japan, Square Enix finally announced that they will release the RPG game in the global market in early 2021.
The Dragon Quest Of The Star game in Japan has been downloaded 20 million times over the past 4 years.
The Dragon Quest series alone has sold more than 80 million copies worldwide.
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Dragon Quest Game From Square Enix Enters Pre-Order Stage
The pre-order stage has been open since Monday (20/01/2020) yesterday and will soon be released globally on Monday (24/02/2020).
This game will also be one of the free games from Square Enix, you know!
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The characters in this game are designed by one of the famous Manga Artist from Japan, Akira Toriyama.
While emoji or emoticons in this game designed directly by illustrator The famous Japanese named Kanahei.
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This JRPG game has several main features such as adventure exploring planets and fighting with 4 direct players.
Another interesting feature is the character customization which is one of the mainstays of this game.
For those of you who want to register for the Pre-Order stage, you can visit the official website or the App Store and your favorite Google Play.
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