Due to a problem, Valve will extend the duration of the TI10 Battle Pass.

Due to a problem, Valve will extend the duration of the TI10 Battle Pass. Currently, Valve’s game Dota 2 is facing a serious problem: the Dota 2 server problem that entered the third day.

The problem with this server is that the Dota 2 community is furious because the Dota 2 match coordinator has an error or is unable to connect. Valve has also apologized for this issue on his Twitter account and is trying to resolve the issue quickly.

“We’re still observing issues with the Dota 2 game coordinator. I’m very sorry that this has happened many times, but we’re trying to find the reason for such an extreme load. I’m working on it. Interval “ Dota 2 Twitter account..

Source: Tsuchida 2

Unfortunately, for the third consecutive day until this article was written, Dota 2 server issues are still not stable, and even Dota 2 game coordinators have difficulty connecting, making Dota 2 players difficult to play. is.

Seeing that this server issue wasn’t resolved, Valve finally decided to supplement the one-week Battlepass The International 10 period from September 12th to September 19th.

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Source: Valve

“Today’s update extends the TI10 Battle Pass period by one week from September 12th to September 19th. We’ve also made some improvements to the Game Coordinator today to give you more clues about the occurrence of extreme load spikes. We will continue to investigate. “

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