Champions League of Legends: Wild Rift
GridGames.ID – League of Legends: Wild Rift has now entered Patch 2.1.
If you want to be stronger in the early-game, choose a meta champ that has a useful kit to apply pressure so that the opponent’s champ is not easy to farm.
That way, the difference in gold between your champ and your opponent will be much different.
GridGames has now divided the list of champs according to their respective roles, from tier S to B.
If you are confused, S is the champ classification that has the best abilities or kits and is easy to use.
While B has good abilities but you still need to adapt to suit your opponent.
Also Read: Things You Must Avoid When Playing League of Legends: Wild Rift!
Let’s see the tier list of Wild RIft champions Patch 2.1 edition below:
1. Baron Lane

GridGames/Teguh Wicaksana
Champion Darius in League of Legends: Wild Rift
Tier S
- Kennen
- Darius
- Camille
- Malphite
- Wukong
- Olaf
Tier A
- Dr. Mundo
- Jax
- Nasus
- Fiora
Tier B
Also Read: 5 Items in Wild Rift That Give the Most Additional Damage!
2. Jungle

GridGames/Teguh Wicaksana
Champion Lee Sin in League of Legends: Wild Rift
Tier S
- shivana
- Lee Sin
- Evelynn
- Wukong
Tier A
Tier B
- Gragas
- Jarvan IV
- Vi
- Master Yi
Also Read: Tips & Tricks to Master Jungle Assassins in MOBA Genre Mobile Games
3. Mid Lane

GridGames/Teguh Wicaksana
Champion Orianna in League of Legends: Wild Rift
Tier S
- Ahri
- Orianna
- Lux
- Zed
- Akali
Tier A
- Fizz
- Aurelion Sol
- Corki
- Seraphine
- Yasuo
Tier B
Also Read: Tips and Tricks to Become a Mid Laner in League of Legends: Wild Rift!
4. Dragon Lane (Marksman)

GridGames/Teguh Wicaksana
Champion Ezreal in Wild Rift
Tier S
- Jhin
- Kai’Sa
- Xayah
- Tristana
- Ezreal
Tier A
- Miss Fortune
- Jinx
- Ash
- Draven
- Vayne
Tier B
Also Read: Tips and Tricks to Master ADC Champions in League of Legends: Wild Rift
5. Dragon Lane (Support)

GridGames/Teguh Wicaksana
Champion Lux in League of Legends: Wild Rift
Tier S
- Lulu
- Alistar
- Lux
- Braum
- friend
Tier A
Tier B
Also Read: 5 Special Wild Rift Items That Role Support Players Must Know
Well, those were some recommendations for selecting champions based on tier, ranging from those that are easy to use to those that are difficult to use because they require precise timings when used.
GridGames assesses that all champions do have their own advantages and disadvantages, depending on the pilot who uses it.
The tier list above is only your benchmark to be wiser in choosing champions.
You still need to pay attention to the enemy first before choosing a champion, guys!
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