Esports Valorant will be bigger than CS: GO ?!

Valorant Esports is bigger than CS: GO ?!

“VALORANT” is an online FPS game that has been released for more than 4 months, and is extremely popular with shooting game enthusiasts in particular.

Since the main game mode is “Unblast”, it cannot be separated from the previous game Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (CS: GO).

And yes, Valorant incorporates many basic mechanics from CS: GO, including existing weapon selection, similar weapon recoil, and player movements.

Still, Valorant wants to reach out to CS: GO players who are tired of the game eight years ago, as well as being here to bring back FPS game fans who are tired of battle royale games.

And apparently it’s happening.

Valorant Stealing CS: GO Player

Valorant is bigger than CS: GO

Since the release of Valorant in June, CS: GO’s average monthly player count has declined.

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Analysts in the gaming industry believe CS: GO is dying slowly. They find the game to be full of bugs, cheats and cheat prevention systems, making CS: GO less attractive.

On the other hand, many analysts find Valorant to have developers who are more responsive and responsive to player input.

Transfer CS: GO Esports players and teams to Valorant

Valorant is bigger than CS: GO

In addition, some CS: GO eSports teams and players are slowly beginning to move to Valorant, indicating the potential for further migration.

CS: GO is currently facing a serious coaching bug scandal that allows coaches from multiple teams to gain illegal access to several locations on the map.

This seems to make CS: GO’s image more polluted than Valorant, who hasn’t had a major tournament yet due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

North American teams such as 100 Thieves, NRG, and TSM have also decided to remove the CS: GO team and focus on Valorant.

Read also: VALORANT’s Deathmatch mode has been significantly updated with patch 1.10.

Read also: The difference between FPS games and battle royale by RRQ Next Jack!

In Indonesia, we have seen many Valorant teams starting development and competition at international events such as Morph Team, Boom Esports and RRQ Endeavor.

Of course, we can’t be sure if Valorant and Esports as games will beat CS: GO. We have to wait until Valorant can host a major offline tournament.

Currently, Valorant is a very new game and is still under development. Hype By many players.

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