Here are 5 archer heroes Mobile Legends Best of yesterday’s version of SPINE sports in February 2021. Is anyone there?
It is recorded that there are more than 10 archer heroes in Indonesia Mobile Legends However, few heroes deserve to be called the best in the current meta.
More precisely, SPIN Esports provides a list of the five best marksman heroes yesterday February 2021.
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Is anyone there? The list is as follows:
Obviously Brody at first since Moonton was released in the game. Brody is really crazy, his ability is really very OP.
Even if Brody can easily kill him, he can use the hero counter to use thick items.
Even Brody is among the second most banned heroes to date, according to data from Mobile Legends website..
Lee Sun Shin

Next is Yi Sun-sin. This is an improved version that Moonton once presented for Yi Sun-sin, changing gameplay to its current state.
Yi Sun-sin easily participated in the metagame by relying on passives to fight. Currently, passives are very wary of players and annoying skill 3.

Then there’s Claude, who can make a very deadly snowball, so this hero is very popular to play.
If an opponent makes a fatal mistake, Claude can quickly ruin the opponent’s defenses. Even he is not afraid of defensive heroes.

Next is Clint, whose case is the same as Ys. Clint was remodeled by Moonton, and the remodeling was actually successful.
Clint is so critical that it returns to Meta again. So you know that Clint appeared frequently last February.
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If this is another case, the next is one-on-one. Wan Wan got a buff, so she rejoined the metagame.
And yesterday, February 2021, it was impossible to play Mobile Legends without meeting Wanwan. Because this hero is really fun to play.
How do spinners agree with the list of archer heroes? Mobile Legends Best of yesterday’s version of SPINE sports in February 2021.
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