First Look Niantic's New Game: Harry Potter: Wizards Unite, Exciting!

Game Harry Potter: Wizards Unite

Game Harry Potter: Wizards Unite – The developer of the Pokemon Go game has just released their newest game, Harry Potter: Wizards Unite.

No need to wait long since its release on Friday, June 21, 2021, yesterday, iOS and Android users in Indonesia can already download this game.

Having gameplay that is almost similar to Pokemon Go, Harry Potter: Wizards Unite offers Augmented Reality (AR) technology in play.

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Slightly different in the use of AR in Pokemon Go, AR technology in Harry Potter: Wizards Unite is used against enemies.

With a realistic background situation makes the game more exciting.

Here are some first looks when the game Harry Potter: Wizards Unite is played.


To be able to enter this game, you can use a Facebook or Google account to register in this game.

Harry Potter: Wizards Unite game opening view

Harry Potter: Wizards Unite game opening view


In appearance, the game Harry Potter: Wizards Unite has the exact same appearance as Pokemon Go.

You will become a character and stand on the real map.

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Not to forget, several locations that are substitutes for Pokeshops in Pokemon Go.

Harry Potter: Wizards Unite home screen

Harry Potter: Wizards Unite home screen


While exploring by walking, you will find several items standing around you.

There are several items that function as collections, consumption, to meet with enemies that you must conquer.

Process against the enemy

Process against the enemy

This is where AR technology comes into play.

When you select a monster item, the view will change using the gadget’s camera that you have and display the surrounding situation.

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You will be asked to follow the magic trail of a monster or character.

When you meet, you will be asked to perform a magic gesture as requested.

Not to forget, Niantic provides several items that can be purchased at online stores with real money of course.

Players are also challenged to complete some of the requested quests within a certain period of time.

Missions that players must complete

Missions that players must complete

Since its release on June 21, 2021, this game has grossed more than $3 million (Rp 42 billion) in just a week.

So what are you waiting for?

Avada Kedavra!


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