Five Best Counterling Heroes of the Latest Mobile Legends 2020!

These are the 5 best phosphorus hero counters in the latest Mobile Legends 2020!

The meta currently under development in Mobile Legends makes one of the assassin heroes very strong and can quickly adapt to the game meta.

The hero we’re talking about is Ling, who has the agile ability, his damage is very painful early in the game, and Ling is very popular today.

But still, Lynn is generally a normal hero, and he can be defeated very easily, especially at the counter with some other heroes.

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Hero Counter Lynn Mobile Legends

SPIN Esports offers five of the best and most effective Ling hero counters ever, which you can try at home.


The first hero is Kaja, and his ultimate gives agile heroes like Lynn a crowd control effect.

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Kaja can kill Ling very easily, but Kaja isn’t a typical one-on-one hero, so he needs his side.


The second hero is Ruby, and Ling’s two crowd control skills don’t compete with Ruby.


Next is the aurora. Given all the skills that can stun enemy heroes, it’s no longer surprising that Aurora is on the list.

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Kuhula Mobile Legends


Fourth is Kufra, this one hero was created to counter assassin heroes like Ling, thanks to Kufra’s deadly skill 2.


The last is Nana, which isn’t very popular at the moment, but Skill 2 can turn your opponent’s hero into a doll, and Skill 2 can be continuously spammed, so Nana counts Rin. It’s very effective.

These are Ling’s 5 hero counters that you can try at home. So don’t be afraid to face this one hero anymore.

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