GridGames.ID – Arena of Valor (AoV) Star League Season 4 will soon enter the Regular Season which will start today, 7 April 2021.
There are 7 best AoV Indonesia teams who are ready to fight for the championship title and a total prize of IDR 1 billion.
To watch the fierce battle between 7 teams, you can watch ASL Season 4 via live streaming at Facebook and Youtube Garena AOV Indonesia.
This national level AoV Championship will be broadcast every Tuesday and Thursday, at 19:00 WIB.
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ASL Season 4 this time is more competitive by presenting new teams and faces to compete and show off in the highest AOV competition in Indonesia.
To find out the 7 teams that will compete in ASL Season 4, let’s just read the full details below.
EVOS Esports

EVOS Esports is the “King” in the AOV Star League Indonesia competition for winning the ASL for 3 consecutive seasons.
Despite having made several roster changes, EVOS Esports still shows dominance over its opponents.
Entering ASL Season 4, EVOS Esports has made another roster change by recruiting former Armored Project player, Aurick.”Kael” as Midlaner.
The EVOS Esports team is now filled with Gilang “T.43” Dwi Fallah (AD Lane), Lius “POKKA” Hartanto (Support), Satria “Wiraww” Adi Wiratama (Jungle), Aurick “Kael” (Midlane), Hartawan “WyvorZ” Muliadi (DS Lane), and Henri “Carraway” Teja (Subs).
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DG Esports

DG Esports
This team is a veteran team with rich experience in the highest AOV competition in Indonesia.
DG Esports itself is led by former AOV Indonesia national team player, Glen “Kurus” Richard Pangalila who is ready to fight in ASL Season 4.
DG Esports is filled with experienced players like Taufik “Ayep” Sopandi (AD Lane), Ade “Meloo” Kurnia Febriansyah (Support), Yayan “BACKDOOR” Hidayat (Jungle), Agus “Skrull” Fernando (Midlane), and Muhammad “Mammon” Fikri (DS Lane).
With this composition of players, DG Esports looks more solid and ready to win the title.
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Entering ASL Season 4, Hertz acquired a slot owned by BOOM Esports and joined other big teams.
Hertz itself will be filled by experienced players such as, Christopher “God” (AD Lane), Moh Haidar “Joycee” Alyafi (Support), Eka “RAZE” Ady Putra (Jungle), Darvianto “RbX” (Midlane), Muhammad “MB” Zefransyah (DS Lane), Muhammad Irgi “pahLevi” Pahlevi (Subs), and Caisar “Mystyk” Alfredo (Subs).
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SPCE Esports

SPCE Esports
SPCE Esport is 1 of 4 teams that made it through the ASL Season 4 Playoffs and will participate in the Regular Season.
The team is filled with players who are persistent and never give up.
They are Great”Enyx07” Budi Prasetyo (AD Lane), Asep “44ape” Wijaya (Support), Dimas “Axiorety” Kharisma (Jungle), Billy “Billy” Gunawan (Midlane), and Faruk “Cassy24” Jabet (DS Lane).
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Team Elvo
Former EVOS Esports player, Sultandyo “MythR” Raihan will directly lead Team ELVO players during the ASL Season 4 event.
Together with his trusted players, namely Muhammad “Diy” Ardiyani (AD Lane), Irdham “Damskii” Hilmansyah (Support), Vikih “Vq” Suhendra (Jungle), Ilham “CipengZ” Aldiqri (Midlane), Agung “Raz0r” Prasetyo (DS Lane), and Teja “JEAN” Athobarani, they are ready to compete with other great teams.
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Power Danger Esports

Power Danger Esports
Even though it is a new team, Power Danger Esports (PowD) will give a surprise this ASL Regular Season 4 Season.
PowD Esports is filled with talented players like Niko”Nyx始” Saputra (AD Lane), Rahmad “Kancil贼” Brian (Support), Ahmad “daamhA`” Syaifudin (Jungle), Elia “Faith” Joshua (Midlane), Kevin “Mamba” Adrian (DS Lane), Kelvin “ KELVON!” Maulana (Sub).
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Archangel is one of the new entrants to the ASL Regular Season Season 4.
After going through a fairly difficult battle in the Playoffs, the Archangel players, namely Alvin “VxV” (AD Lane), Muhammad “Faz?” Faza (Support), Haikal “HQAQ” Qolbi (Jungle), Willy “WillHans” Hanafi (Midlane), Mahendra “ZeroZero” Wibawa (DS Lane), Muhammad “Muhfers” Ferisko (Subs), and Emanuel “Senkō鹿” Hendo ( Subs), showed unyielding spirit and secured 1 ticket to ASL Regular Season 4.
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Among the 7 teams above, which one do you favor, guys?
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