IeSPA Opens Management Registration for Central Kalimantan Region

GridGames.ID Indonesia eSports Association or IeSPA is an association formed to foster and promote the esports ecosystem in Indonesia.

The formation of IeSPA was also directly initiated by a number of people who are struggling in the gaming field.

Starting from the esports community, game providers, online gaming forums, and also other gaming service providers.

To spread its wings, this time IeSPA will start opening representative branches on the island of Kalimantan.

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The Indonesian Society of Recreational Sports Federation (FORMI) opens registration for IeSPA management for the Central Kalimantan region starting Monday (23/9/2019).

One of the things that convinced FORMI to open an IeSPA representative office in Central Kalimantan was the enthusiasm of the local community.

A number of esports tournaments in big cities such as Palangka Raya have been successfully implemented and have attracted the interest of many residents.

Currently, the registration process is still being opened through circulars that have been distributed through related institutions.

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FORMI itself does not specify specifically about the background of the registrants.

What is clear is that registrants must have a good track record in the world of esports and other recreational sports.

Or at least he’s been actively involved in the esports industry whether as a player, coach, team manager, or even tournament organizer.

After Central Kalimantan, IeSPA is also rumored to be soon expanding its reach to other regions throughout Indonesia.

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