Is it true that we were blocked by Kominfo Indonesia? These are the facts!

Is it true that Ambient Us is blocked by Kominfo Indonesia due to various issues during play? This is a real fact!

Played by Indonesian gamers such as YouTuber and influencers, it is one of the busiest online multiplayer games these days.

In Indonesia, the bad news is reportedly that the game will be blocked by the Indonesian government through Kominfo.

The news first appeared on the internet via social media, Instagram, Twitter and more.

Someone took a screenshot of the title of the article showing that the game will soon be followed up by the Indonesian government.

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Blocked in Indonesia among us

The reason is that players who play this game experience a variety of problems, including lying, murdering, and brawling.

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Many Indonesian gamers are asking for the truth in this regard. Will the government actually block entertainment games?

This is the location provided by SPINE sports fact This is really about the truth that blocks the “game between us” in Indonesia.

I searched and found everything on the internet and found that “Among Us” was blocked in Indonesia. hoax Or made by fashion as a joke.

That’s exactly what every scene in this one game that blocks the title hoax There is nothing on the official website.

This gives you the freedom to play the Among Us game again as a home entertainment during the Covid-19 pandemic.

For more updates, don’t forget to visit the SPIN website and follow Instagram and Youtube.

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