Leaked MLBB Epic Showcase Skin, February 2021, for Hero One One!

This is a leak from the MLBB Epic Skin Showcase in February 2021 and is presented to the hero Wanwan. How cool are the skins?

A new skin edition that is always present every month MLBB That is, it is the collector’s skin for the Epic Showcase event, and the following skin leaks are known:

In January 2021, a Valir hero with a skin called Demonlord will definitely be available. It was officially announced by Moonton.

Read again: Leak list of all new Mobile Legends (ML) skins and heroes coming in January 2021

On the other hand, for February 2021, the leaked skin is a skin called Pixel Blast for heroes. Wanwan You can see it directly from the skin below!

Skin Epic Showcase February 2021

Leaky appearance of the skin Wanwan The February 2021 Epic showcase is full of purple and seems to embrace the Cyberpunk concept.

And this is the first and last skin Wanwan Skin collector edition with only one hero, limited skin edition with only one.

Wanwan He is also a popular sniper hero these days, and his agility, natural cleansing, and damage he has relied on his name again.

Therefore, present a new skin Wanwan Since there are many users, the best strategy for Moonton Wanwan now.

Also read: Mobile Legends (ML) Season 19 Five Common Jungle Mistakes, What Are They?

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