LoL Wildlift Open Beta has succeeded in making hundreds of billions of profits!

LoL Wildlift Open Beta has succeeded in making hundreds of billions of profits!

League of Legends Wildlift has entered the end of the third month of the open beta stage, and so far this new MOBA game has received positive feedback.

Wild Rift is still growing slowly in Indonesia, but the game is already very popular worldwide.

Wild lifts are becoming more popular boom Not only in Asia but also in Europe, this is clear from the great benefits they get from the system. Microtransaction Those games.

Read again: Five LoL Wild Rift Strategies for Great Success in Indonesia

This report, obtained by Daniel Ahmad on his official Twitter account @ZhugeEX, shows the latest data on LoL Wildlift.

“According to new data from @SensorTower, League of Legends: Wild Rift has reached 12.5 million downloads since its limited release on October 27th.

If you are interested in purchasing, please click the image above!

The top markets for downloads in the first week were Vietnam, Indonesia, Japan, Turkey and Russia. “

“Revenue over $ 10 million.”

Yes, Riot Games has earned US $ 10 million or around Rp142 billion since the release of LoL Wild Rift Open Beta in October 2020.

And surprisingly, all of this income is pure Microtransaction!!

Read again: This is the latest update to Midpatch 1.1 LoL Wild Rift!

LoL Wild Rift makes hundreds of billions of profits

Please note that LoL Wild Rift is currently downloaded 12.5 million times worldwide and this open beta is only accessible in certain regions.

Riot plans to open access to the open beta of LoL Wild Rift in North America, and for those who don’t know Spinner, North America has the largest LoL PC fan in the world.

It wouldn’t be surprising if Wildlift had a huge success there!

This is news about LoL Wild Rift, which is making hundreds of billions of profits. For more updates, don’t forget to visit the SPIN website and follow Instagram and Youtube.

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