Make the best Ganugenshin Impact Weapons and Artifacts!
Ganyu is the latest 5-star character from the Genshin Impact game. Ganyu is a character with a cryo bow that can be played with Genshin Impact.
She is the secretary of Liyue Qixing and first appeared in the storyline “Farewell, Great Lord” in Chapter 1. From January 12, 2021, gacha will appear in the banner gacha of the port.
Some players really want Ganyu as a character on their team because it can do a lot of damage to Ganyu’s skills.
Read also: Latest Genshin Impact Tierists Which tier of Ganyu will be in January 2021?
In terms of skill, Ganyu has the know-how to master cryoelements. And Ganyu uses a bow weapon.
Ganyu’s elemental skill is to create an ice flower that explodes for a while and makes an AoE attack on the cryoelement.

In the case of Ganyu’s Elemental Burst, Ganyu showers his opponent with a ha ha shower, dealing massive Cryo damage for 15 seconds.

If you got Ganyu but don’t know what kind of build it is? You are heading in the right direction.
This is because SPIN Esports shares Ganyu’s build items and artifact recommendations.
The best ganyu build with Genshin Impact

This is the best build of Ganyu’s weapons and artifacts, according to SPINEsports.
Weapon recommendations
Author recommends use Skyward harp (5✰)
This weapon has the ability to increase critical DMG by 20%. Each attack has a 60% chance of generating an AoE DMG and 100% physical DMG every 4 seconds.
Recommended for the following weapons Amos Bow (5✰)
Increases normal attacks and aim shots by 12%. You can increase the arrow’s DMG by 8% every 0.1 seconds the arrow flies, reaching up to 0.5 seconds and up to 5 stacks.
Other options can be used if you don’t have a 5 star weapon Billidescent Hunt (4 aggregates)
When attacking an enemy, a normal attack and a targeted shot will generate a cyclone with a 50% chance of attacking the enemy with a 40% DMG every 0.5 seconds for 4 seconds. It can be triggered every 14 seconds.
Can be used for purposes other than billidence hunt Blackcliff Warbow (4 constant) Those who have the skill when Ganyu defeats an enemy will have a 12% increase in ATK for 30 seconds. Up to 3 stacks.
Artifact Recommendations
The most recommended Ganyu DPS best artifacts are:
- Clock: ATK%;
- Goblet: Physical DMG Bonus%;
- Crown: Critical Damage / Rate / ATK%.
The best sub-status choices for each artifact are Critical Rate%, Critical dmg%, ATK%, and Cryo DMG.
About the proposed set of artifacts
Blizzard layer set
- CryoDMG bonus + 15% for 2 sets
- When a 4-set gunu attacks a cryo-affected enemy, the CRUT rate increases by 20%. 20% more frozen enemies
A group of wanderers
- 2 sets increase Elemental Mastery by 80%
- Using Catalyst or Bow in 4 sets increases Ganyu’s Charged Attack DMG by 35%.
According to SPIN Esports, this is the best build of Ganyu Genshin Impact. If you have any other recommendations, please write them in the comments.
Also read: The latest Ganyu Genshin Impact Event 2021, you can get a free Primogem!
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