Make Leslie's latest and coolest items with Mobile Legends!

Make Leslie’s latest and most morbid items with Mobile Legends! Mobile Legends Season 17 has officially arrived at the Land of Dawn, and the ranks have been reset again as in the previous season, so you’ll have to push them again to get them up.

If you’re a spinner starting from a GrandMaster or Epic, you’ll need to meet the Marksman hero Leslie’s hero frequently. This hero is easy to play, but is often chosen by the Grandmaster and Epic Rank, as it has a significant impact during the war, especially if the positioning and items are correct.

So this time around, Spin eSports is proposing to create a Leslie spinner hero and make this hero a push-rank spinner hero, so be sure to check it out!

Source: Mobile Legends

First, the emblems that spinners can choose for Leslie’s heroes are Bravely, Fatal, and Bounty Hunter, which allows Leslie to earn more damage, critical hits, and gold.

The first item is rapid boots. This item has been selected to help Leslie move fast and escape the pursuit of enemies. The second and third items are Berseker’s Fury and Windtalker. These two items were chosen because I want to play critical with Leslie’s hero.

The fourth item is the endless battle. This item is intended to give Leslie Lifesteal, so you don’t have to bring it back to the base and it will do 60% true damage from Leslie.

The fifth is the Scarlet Phantom, an item that increases Leslie’s critical rate and increases Leslie’s attack speed. And the last item is a blade of despair to increase Leslie’s damage.

Read again: Tips for increasing your rank after resetting the latest Mobile Legends season!

Source: Personal documents

For contextual items, spinners can replace Scarlet Phantom with Immortality to live a second life. This is important when playing late games. This is a recommendation from Spin eSports for spinners who want to rank up with Lesley. Don’t forget to keep visiting our website to get the latest eSports news and follow us on Facebook!

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