Many Marksman Cafeterias Make META Hyper Carryovers?

Claude, Karrie, Kimmy weakened by META hyper carryover? Moonton, the developer of the Mobile Legends game in patch note 1.4.82, has made some weakenings to three marksman heroes, Claue, Kimmy, and Karrie, who are very often chosen when ranking.

Claude’s hero and Claude’s passive skill, Dexter, gains only 35% of the passive effect of the Demon Hunter Sword item. Next, for Kimmy, Kimmy’s attack range is reduced by 10%, and Curry’s previous attack 14 is reduced to 12.5.

In addition to the three marksman heroes, there is a Granger whose ultimate is Death Sonata, with a slow duration adjusted from 0.5 seconds to 0.2 seconds.

Source: Mobile Legends

Many believe that META Hypercarry will end because many of these marksman heroes have been weakened in patch note 1.4.82. It can be said that there are many factors that cause this META to “not sell” in the competitive area of ​​Mobile Legends.

First, of course, marksman heroes have many eating heroes, so a team cannot win a match with marksmen as the team’s only backbone. However, another major factor that makes this META unsold is that many people escape from that view.

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Source: Mobile Legends

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A very important factor in this META not selling is a 20% reduction in gold generated from core guards and a 20% reduction in statue shocker base gold. Next is the statue chaser (Chromane), whose base gold is reduced by 20% or other jungle monsters are reduced, making it harder for marksmen to get gold.

However, it tries to back it up by increasing the base gold when defeating minions in Wave 2. This eliminates the need for marksmen to focus on the lane instead of the jungle.

This is a key factor in the lack of sales of Hyper Carry in the highly competitive field of Mobile Legends. Don’t forget to keep visiting our website to get the latest eSports news and follow us on Facebook.

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