Must Know! 5 Lokapala Ksatriyas that Beginners Must Master

Jinno, Lokapala Knight role Tank

Jinno, Lokapala Knight role Tank

GridGames.ID – One of the mandatory things when playing MOBA genre games is hero mastery.

By mastering at least one hero, you can make a very useful contribution to the team.

MOBA games themselves really need teamwork, where the skill of using heroes is a benchmark so that the team is able to bring victory when playing.

Also Read: Listen! Simple Tips & Tricks to Play Lokapala for Beginners

This must also be applied when you play the game Lokapala: Saga of Six Realms, a MOBA game by the nation’s children.

This game was developed by Anantarupa Studio and published by PT Melon Indonesia as a publisher under the name OOLEAN GAMES.

Lokapala itself has several hero roles commonly known as Ksatriya.

Starting from Fighter, Marksman, Assassin, Tank, Support to Mage.

Also Read: 6 Roles of Knights in the MOBA Lokapala Game that You Must Know

Well, for those who are still confused about what Ksatriya should use when they are just playing Lokapala, GridGames will tell you.

Here are 5 Ksatriya Lokapala recommendations that are suitable and must be played by beginners.

1. Nala (Fighter)

Nala Lokapala (Fighter)

Nala Lokapala (Fighter)

The first Ksatriya Lokapala that must be mastered is Nala.

This knight with the Fighter role was a commander of the navy during the Majapahit era.

This knight is suitable for use by beginners because this knight is an expert in whipping enemies.

So the player must pull the enemy first by using a whip then the player can jump towards the target.

This skill will certainly give a deadly stun effect for 2 seconds. In addition, the resulting passive skill can increase the basic attack every 5 seconds.

2. Haya (Fighter)

Haya Lokapala (Fighter)

Haya Lokapala (Fighter)

Furthermore, the Knight that is suitable for use by beginners is Haya.

This knight with the Fighter role is a knight on horseback with a scary air.

Haya also has an active skill (Buff movement speed) when approaching the enemy.

A skill that is no less lethal than Ksatriya Haya is Double Punishment which is able to provide physical damage and slow effects to enemies when throwing a sword.

Also Read: Not Only Ksatriya Skills, You Also Must Recognize the Map in Lokapala

3. Jinno (Tank)

Jinno Lokapala (Tank)

Jinno Lokapala (Tank)

Jinno is also one of the Knights that must be mastered by beginners.

This knight with the Tank role is a Mahapatih who has a very high hitting resistance.

This knight also turns out to have a very cool passive skill, Mighty Elephant, where this skill is able to absorb damage for up to 10 seconds when the shield is active.

This passive skill has a cooldown of 70 seconds.

4. Neera (Support)

Neera Lokapala (Support)

Neera Lokapala (Support)

Neera, who is a Knight with the Support role, is an Aspara whose job is to guard the Manthana sea.

This knight is suitable for use by beginners because it has a passive skill, namely Amiable Embrace. This skill is useful for helping the team when they are at a distance of 200 units.

This knight is able to increase his team’s HP regeneration by up to 15%. This regeneration will of course be divided based on the number of teams.

This knight will also give magic damage to the enemy by placing flowers that can explode and can reduce the enemy’s life.

If the team is in the explosion it will get a recovery.

Also Read: 3 Ksatriya Marksman You Must Master in the Lokapala MOBA Game

5. Nisha (Mage)

Nisha Lokapala (Mage)

Nisha Lokapala (Mage)

Nisha is one of the Lokapala Knights who has the deadliest magic damage and must be mastered by novice players.

The enemy is guaranteed not to survive if this Knight has issued his skill.

Nisha is one of the Ksatriya Mage who uses the element of electricity to kill his enemies.

If this Knight has stun and slow effect then the damage will feel deadly.

Also Read: 5 Reasons Why You Should Play the MOBA Mobile Game ‘Lokapala’

Well, those are some of the Lokapala Knights that must be mastered by beginners.

If you don’t have one of these knights yet, you can buy it at the store in the Lokapala game, right!


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