2 Mytic Heroes in Brawl Stars
GridGames.ID – Brawl Stars, a game made by SuperCell is currently a popular and most in-demand game.
There are 6 types of heroes in Brawl Stars with unique skills and ultimatums, this is a must have.
The types of heroes in Brawl Stars are like common, rare, super rare, epic, mythic, and legendary.
Yesterday GridGames peeled heroes legendary, and now let’s peel the hero Mythic in Brawl Stars which is a must know.
Also Read: Here Are 3 Legendary Brawl Stars Heroes That You Must Have
1. Mortis

Mortis is a mythic hero who looks like this vampire can be obtained using gem.
Skill Mortis uses the scope to hit enemies with a distance of 2.67 with damage 800 more. Cooldown This mortis lasts 2.5 seconds, so you have to be frugal.
This Mortis Ultimatum is the most feared by the same brawlers This is because he will take the enemy’s life and increase HP 1000 you know.
2. Tara

Tara, Mythic Hero in Brawl Stars
Tara is a mythic hero who looks like this vampire can be obtained using gem.
This Tara skill throws her tarot cards with a fairly long distance of 8 and cooldownits 2 seconds.
Well, Tara’s utimatum is what makes her the sickest hero, which is being able to clone herself, which is smaller and has 2000 HP. It’s like Nita, but this hero is sicker.
Who already has these two mythic heroes?
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