Rendy Rangers challenges Ruok FF with Clash Squad, and that's the result!

The Rendy Rangers challenged RuokFF one-on-one, and here’s the result!

The still warm RuokFF case has spread to Indonesian streamers and Free Fire Youtubers.

Some of them responded by making statements about the stunning Thai Youtuber for using scripts.

Youtubers such as LetDa Hyper and Rendy Rangers make statements through video on their respective Youtube accounts.

One of them, Rendy, challenged Ruok FF to play together one-on-one in Clash Squad Free Fire mode.

Ruoku also seems to have only recently accepted the challenge of Rendy, who fought in the Free Fire Clash Squad.

Also read: This Free Fire (FF) Youtuber uses cheats, LetDa Hyper says!

Read also: Youtuber Ruok Free Fire (FF) Cheat? Click here for the reaction of the Rendy Ranger!

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Rendy Rangers vs Ruoku FF!

Recent videos uploaded today, November 13, 2020, This morning, 600,000 spectators were already watching.

This video shows two players competing for skill in slaughtering each other on two different servers.

It was my turn to play on the Thai server first and then on the Indonesian server. In fact, Ruok FF looks very good.

Lendy also demonstrated Luok’s playing skills Hand cam Very fast and smooth FF Luoku. Thus, he must be confused as to whether he really uses cheats.

This video also allows viewers to stop making bad comments on YouTuber in Thailand. #SAVERUOK.

If you are interested in the video of the match, you can watch it in the video below!

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