Save dates and get free skins at Halloween Mobile Legends (ML) events!

Save dates and get free skins for Halloween Mobile Legends (ML) events! Mobile Legends always offers interesting events for Mobile Legends players.

Currently, Mobile Legends still has many events. These events typically offer in-game items such as battle points, emblems, and fragments.

However, there are also events that present interesting in-game items such as heroes and mobile legend skins, which you can get after completing some challenges at the event.

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Terizla ML Halloween Special Skin

This October, a must-see event will be held. This event is a Halloween event that will be held from October 27th to November 13th, 2020.

There are several prizes you can win by completing the Halloween Mobile Legends (ML) event, one of which is the Terizla Halloween Special Skin.

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Martis special skin

In addition to hosting Halloween events, there will be more interesting events going forward. This event is a special Martis skin event that can be obtained by performing 10 advanced gachas.

If you’re a spinner, be sure to record the date of the Halloween event, where you can get free Terizla Special skins, and this Martis skin special event right away.

For more updates, don’t forget to visit the SPIN website and follow Instagram and Youtube.

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