Spider-Man Collaboration with Fantastic 4 on PlayStation 4 , kidding?

Spiderman x Fantastic Four on PlayStation 4

Spiderman x Fantastic Four on PlayStation 4

GridGames.ID – Interesting news from the Spider-man game on PlayStation 4 which will collaborate with other heroes who are no less cool, Fantastic Four.

Reported from IGN, comic publisher Fantastic Four give a little hint if you will be present in Spider-man in live streaming.

Ryan Penagos as vice president Marvel Entertainment reveals that something ‘fantastic’ is coming to the spiderman, but doi can not give out in detail.

This collaboration is even more predictable when developer Spider-Man, Insomniac Games, gave his reaction on Twitter.

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Insomniac Games reaction on Twitter to collaboration with Fantastic Four

Insomniac Games reaction on Twitter to collaboration with Fantastic Four

Imsonac games just reacted using a two eye emoji regarding this collaboration.

Possible players Spider-Man will get themed skins Fantastic Four in this final series.

Then Spider-Man’s relationship with Fantastic Four what is it like to have a special costume?

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Bombastic Bag-Man

Bombastic Bag-Man

According to Joshua Yehl as Marvel comics editor, the relationship Spider-Man and Fantastic Four has a long history and has even served as a member more than once.

Previously Spider-man still had symbiotes black and Richard Reed trying to remove it so it can be analyzed and made a costume.

Well, the costume was finally made blue but Richard Reed don’t make headgear because it’s true Fantastic Four don’t wear a headgear.

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Finally Peter covered his head with a brown paper bag and his costume was named “Bombastic Bag-Man”.

Besides that, what else, yha?

Spiderman x Fantastic Four on PlayStation 4

Spiderman x Fantastic Four on PlayStation 4

In addition, there is also a black and white costume named “Future Foundation” where Peter wears this costume after the member’s death Fantastic Four namely Johnny Storm.

Then Peter joined Fantastic Four as a sign of respect for the fireman and the costume Peter finally uses a headgear.

Possibility between two costumes Spider-Man x Fantastic Four this will be present in the last series on the PlayStation 4.


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