Surviving the Pandemic, UniPin Invites Students to Take a Peek at the Esports Industry

UniPin Community Invites Students to Find Careers in the Esports Industry


UniPin Community Invites Students to Find Careers in the Esports Industry

GridGames.ID – Facing changes in habits in the new normal in the education sector and industry today.

UniPin as a top up platform for online games invites students to see
the esports industry is actually growing, even in the midst of a pandemic.

The webinar entitled “Looking at Careers in Esports Entertainment & Event Organizer Esports” which was held on Monday (25/01), by UniPin Community (Unity) succeeded in bridging the esports industry players with students directly.

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UniPin Community Invites Students to Find Careers in the Esports Industry


UniPin Community Invites Students to Find Careers in the Esports Industry

Present as speakers, Irliansyah Wijanarko, as Co-Founder & CGO of RevivalTV and Anang RBJ, founder of RBJ Esports exchanged experiences when starting an esports business.

Various stories of ups and downs were also shared with students as a guide for their steps when deciding to enter this industry.

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As an entertainment media player and esports event organizer (EO), Irlie – Irliansyah’s nickname – shared that starting a business in the esports industry is no different from starting a business in general.

He said identifying the capital owned was an important step at the beginning.

Meanwhile, Anang shared tips that courage and having a different perspective is the key in developing the esports media business.

Debora Imanuella, as Senior Vice President of UniPin Community who was present as a moderator added.

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That this webinar was held as UniPin’s effort to support the esports industry to grow while at the same time preparing students to be more ready to take part in it.

UniPin Community recently has also opened up opportunities for every university student in Indonesia to be able to continue to be connected in the esports ecosystem through their campus representatives through the Unity Student Warchief.

Several representatives from well-known campuses such as the University of Indonesia, ITB and UGM have joined.

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All information related to UniPin Community’s latest activities can be officially accessed on the official Instagram @unipincommunity.

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