The latest Genshin Impact Redeem Code January 13, 2021, large capacity!

Latest Genshin Impact Exchange Code January 13, 2021 And how to claim it!

For spinners playing this game, there is a redemption code you can get, and it can get some prizes in particular Primogems And Mora.. However, keep in mind that this also applies only to PC and mobile platforms.

Primogems is a very important currency as it can be converted to Intertwined Fate or Acquaint Fate, which is the currency for doing Wish (Gacha).

There are several prizes such as 5 star characters and weapons in this wish banner, so you should immediately get the following redemption code to collect more primogems.

Also read: How to quickly farm Xiao Genshin Impact items for collection before the release of Xiao!

Reward Code Genshin Impact January 13

gift The redemption code after January 13th is:

  • 30 primogems
  • 5x adventurer experience

Reward code redeems the influence of Genshin January 13, 2021

Also read: The latest Ganyu Genshin Impact Event 2021, you can get a free Primogem!

If you are interested in purchasing, please click the image above!

Genshin Impact Redemption Code List January 13

This time, Limited etc. are not listed in the redemption code of Genshin Impact. However, this redemption code may be sold out by others and should be redeemed quickly. This code matches the look of the Ganyu banner.

Redeem code The influence of Genshin on January 13, 2021

Latest: Genshin Impact Redemption Code January 24, 2021, 300 Primo Gem Free!

Also read: Should this be a gacha? Should this be a gacha?

Redemption Code Genshin Impact Billing Method

  1. Please visit the official Genshin Impact website below.
  2. Please log in to your Genshin Impact account before visiting the official website or before visiting the official website.
  3. [引き換え]At the top right of the column[ログインして引き換える]Click the button
  4. Then select the server
  5. Please enter the nickname of the spinner character Nickname
  6. Enter the redemption code to be billed according to the server
  7. Then click Redeem
  8. If successful, you can immediately open the Genshin Impact application and see the prizes here Mail

Genshin Impact Redemption Code

If you’re still confused about how, you can redeem your code by watching the video below.

If the redemption code fails, the code may have been redeemed Expired Or Exceeded the quota Therefore, the redemption code cannot be used.

Also read: Genshin Impact’s latest gacha banner update leak, Venti coming back?

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