The simplest description of Mobile Legends: Bang Bang and its features 2020

Until now, there are many mobile legend players who still don’t really understand the usefulness of ML items. Items are one of the deciding factors for winning or losing a game. Here, SPIN will explain how to use each item as easily as possible, so even beginners can understand it immediately.

Before we start talking about Mobile Legends: Bang Bang, there are two terms you need to understand.

  • Basic Attack-Damage your opponent with a punch / hit
  • Skills-Use skills / spells to damage your opponent

If you already understand it, immediately scroll down to see the Mobile Legends 2020 item description.

Physical item

Physical Mobile Legends Item Description Part 1

  1. Sea Halberd –Each basic attack reduces the opponent’s HP recovery, life steal, and shield.
  2. Rose Gold Meteor –If your hero’s HP is exhausted, you will get a large temporary shield.
  3. Hunter strike – For every 5x basic attack on the enemy, you get additional movement speed
  4. Blade of Despair (BOD) -Basic attacks of enemies with less than half the blood are more hurt
  5. Heptaceas blade -The first basic attack on your opponent is very painful (after being hit / not hit within 5 seconds)
  6. Malicious roar -Enemy with basic attack turret and thick armor will be very translucent
  7. Endless battle ――After using the skill on the enemy, the normal attack becomes much more painful
  8. Blood Last Ax -Each opponent’s skill gains additional HP through Lifesteal
    Item explanation of physical mobile legend part 2
  9. Haas claws –All basic attacks against your opponent gain additional HP with Life Teal
  10. Berseker’s Fury – Your base attack becomes critical more often and critical damage deals more damage
  11. Scarlet Phantom -If the basic attack is critical, the attack speed and critical probability will increase sharply.
  12. Windtalker – Your basic attacking hero will splash to multiple enemies
  13. Natural wind -Active skills can immunize heroes (not exposed to damage) against basic enemy attacks
  14. Corroded sickle ・ Reduce the opponent’s movement speed with a basic attack
  15. Demon Hunter Sword (DHS) – Normal attacks on tanks with thick HP will do a lot of damage
  16. Golden staff – Passive skills and item effects that require some basic attacks can be triggered with fewer basic attacks than without this item.

Also read: If you still do this while playing Mobile Legends, don’t expect to go to Mythic!

Magic item

Mobile Legends Item Description Part 1

  1. Genius wand -Each hit skill reduces your opponent’s magic defense
  2. F time – This item will make your ultimate cooldown very short
  3. Durance necklace (NOD) –Each skill reduces the opponent’s HP regeneration, life steal, and shield.
  4. Clock of fate ――The longer you hold this item, the more HP and magic power you have.
  5. Lightning Tranchon – Each skill is scattered to multiple opponents (Windtalker magic item)
  6. Calamity Reaper -Every time you use the skill, the opponent’s basic attack hurts considerably (magic item is endless battle)
  7. Shining cane -Every time you use your opponent’s hero skill, it burns
  8. Ice queen wand -Every time you use the opponent’s movement speed skill, the speed decreases (magic item is corrosion size)
    Magic Mobile Legends Item Description Part 2
  9. Concentrated energy -Each opponent’s skill gains additional HP via Lifesteel (a magical item of Blood Last Ax)
  10. God’s glaive –All skills that hit heroes with high magic defense become translucent (magic item is Malefique Roar)
  11. Holy Crystal ――This item really hurt your skill
  12. Blood Wings –This item makes the hero mage a rhino and makes it harder to die.
  13. Heaven wings -Suitable for use with mage heroes who want to rely on basic attacks
  14. Winter trunk – Active skills can immunize heroes against all types of damage (damage unaffected), but heroes are also frozen and unable to move.
  15. Enchanted amulet -Which item is the best play and cooldown reduction

Also read: This is the most effective combination of items in Mobile Legends 2020!

Item defense

Mobile Legends: Bang Bang Item Defense Description Part 1

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  1. Twilight armor -Damage prevention burst, damage that quickly consumes the hero’s HP (eg Critical Irisel, Aldus Non Corner Skill)
  2. Brute force breast plate ・ After using the skill, defense & movement speed will increase
  3. Immortality -After the hero dies, you can come back to life and get a shield
  4. Dominance ice cream -When approaching a hero, the movement speed and attack speed of the opponent’s hero will decrease.
  5. Athena Shield -Get the best item for Mage Hero, a big shield
  6. Oracle – Increase HP regen and shield from heroes
  7. Antique cuirass – Your hero is tougher / the more enemies use basic attacks and skills on your hero hero
  8. Guardian helmet –Every time you leave a Team Fight Hero, you get a huge HP recovery.
    Mobile Legends Part 2 Item Defense Description
  9. Cursed helmet -Damage to enemies when they are close to your hero
  10. Thunder belt -After using the skill on the enemy, the basic attack gains additional damage and slow
  11. Queen’s wings –When the hero’s HP runs out, the hero suddenly becomes stiff / Rhino
  12. Blade armor ――When you receive a normal attack from an enemy, it damages the opponent’s hero.

Item movement

Mobile Legends Item Movement Description

  1. Devil’s shoes – Each time you defeat an opponent’s minion or hero, you get the largest minion or hero
  2. Rapid boots –If you don’t hit within 5 seconds, the movement speed will be very fast (similar mechanism to Blade of Heptaseas).
  3. Swift boots –Increase attack speed
  4. Arcane boots – Add magic damage
  5. Magic shoes -Reduce cooldown skills (CD reduction)
  6. Tough boots – Reduced CC duration (stun, slow, etc.)
  7. Warrior boots – The more basic attacks from your opponent hit, the more rhinos (antique cuirass-like mechanics)

Jungle item

Jungle Mobile Legends Item Description

The three jungle items have the following basic benefits:

  • Increased damage to jungle monsters
  • Increased experience points after defeating jungle monsters
  • Get HP and mana after defeating jungle monsters

However, they have different special advantages.

  1. Raptor machete -Basic attacks are more hurt and slow down your opponent’s hero. Each time you defeat a jungle monster, you get a stack that you can collect to increase the physical damage of your hero.
  2. Beast killer -When a hero takes damage from an opponent, the opponent’s hero slows down and takes damage. Each time you defeat a jungle monster, you get a stack that adds physical and magical armor to your hero.
  3. Star shard – Add HP each time you defeat your opponent’s hero. Each time you defeat a jungle monster, you get a stack that increases the magic damage of the hero hero.

Roaming item

The three roaming items have the same basic benefits.

  • If there are fellow heroes around you who do not purchase roaming items, defeating minion / jungle monsters will not earn the hero gold.
  • However, helping your hero defeat an enemy hero compared to a colleague’s hero who doesn’t buy roaming items will give your hero more gold.
  • If your hero is the poorest in a team, you will regularly earn gold + experience

However, they have distinct special advantages.

  1. Courage mask -Active skills can increase the movement speed and physical attack of your hero and colleagues around you. Passive skills increase the attack, defense, and rebirth of heroes and their surrounding heroes.
  2. Shadow mask – Active skills can obscure heroes and colleagues around them, make it difficult to target with your opponent’s skills, and speed up your movement.
  3. Awe mask -Mark and slow down the opponent’s hero who was hit by your hero’s basic attack.A hero who is marked and exposed to a basic attack from a colleague is stunned

Also read: 3 reasons why Lunox is so good as an off-learner in Mobile Legends!

Here is a description of Mobile Legends 2020 items. With this knowledge, it is very important to always adapt build items according to your opponent’s hero and build. Build templates are guidelines, not fixed prices. This issue is explained in more detail in the following video.

If you’re still unsure about the 2020 Mobile Legends item description, please comment on this article so that the author can clarify the function of the item.

Also read: The effect is very good, but this physical item is not for sale at MLBB.

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