The Story of a Kidnapped Victim Who Used PS4 To Save Himself

GRIDGAMES.ID- In the midst of the enthusiasm of many people waiting for the latest PS5 console, which was just announced to be released starting November 12, 2021, there is a story that is quite astonishing.

This story involves the PS5’s predecessor console, the PS4, which managed to save the life of a kidnap victim.

A teenage girl who was kidnapped in Japan is reported to have managed to escape from her captors by using a PS4.

Before being found by the police, this teenager had been missing for about a month.

He was kidnapped by people he knew and had long-distance relationships. The person is a 44 year old man. This kidnapping happened after he came home from school.

The teenager was then taken to the kidnapper’s house and tied to an iron pipe, so he could not escape.

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Not only tied up, all the belongings of the teenager were taken by the kidnappers so they could not communicate with outsiders.

Luckily, this teenage girl found the kidnapper’s PlayStation 4 (PS4) console. The teenager also understands and can operate the PS4 console.

He then used the PS4 to send e-mails to the police. From that e-mail, the police can find out where the victim is being held.

After receiving a “signal” from the victim, the local police then raided the kidnapper’s house, and freed the teenager.

Despite being held captive for a month, this teenager did not experience physical violence from his kidnappers.

Gathering KompasTekno which summarized from Gamerant, Saturday (12/9/2020), it was not explained how the teenager operated the PS4 while it was tied up.

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It is possible that he used voice commands to send the e-mail. The e-mail was sent via the default browser installed on the PS4 system.

This teenager managed to notify the local authorities via an e-mail that was supposedly sent via the default browser installed on the PS4 system.

Apart from that, it’s interesting to see that the console, which has the main function of running various games, is actually used cleverly as a communication tool to save oneself.

If there is no PS4, it is possible that this teenager is still trapped and has not received help.

This article has been published on with the title “Kidnapping Victims Use PS4 to Report Police and Save themselves


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