The strongest item combination of 2021 Mobile Legends!

this is Second series From the discussion item In a mobile legends game. Part 1 of this series explains the functions of each item in Mobile Legends, so it’s very easy to understand, so if you’re still not sure about the usefulness of each item, please read it once and then come back.

The second series discusses SPIN. Mobile Legends 2021 Item Combination When used together, an effective synergistic effect is created. What about the combo? There are several here. Please scroll down.

Item type: Physical attack

A combination of physical attack items that are valid in Mobile Legends 2020

1. Endless Battle + Blade of Despair (BOD)

This is a combination of the best-selling physical items in the physical hero meta. Almost any physical hero, including marksmen, assassins, and fighters, can make this combination item.

Blade of Despair (BOD) – Items with the maximum physical damage bonus and damage to opponents with less than half the HP will be increased. Endless battle – There is additional damage after using the skill on the enemy (60% true damage). Imagine this combo, an extra endless battle. True damage It depends on the whole physical attack. This is because it is very suitable in combination with BOD, which causes extraordinary damage.

2. Endless battle + Thunder belt

This item combo is suitable for purchase by heroes who use the combination frequently Skill + basic attackSuitable examples for using this item combo: Karrie, Alpha, Thamuz, Lesley, Dyrroth.

Endless battle –After using the skill on the enemy, the normal attack is much more painful (true damage). Thunder belt –After using the skill on the enemy, the basic attack gains additional damage (true damage) & slow. And the cooldowns for these two items are the same. 1.5 seconds. Therefore, if you frequently spam your skills, it’s really good to pay your opponents additional damage and throws.

3. Scarlet Phantom + Barska Fury

This item combo is perfect for the dependable marksman hero. critical Burst enemies during a basic attack. Suitable examples for using this item combo: Lee Sun, Irisel, Bruno, Leslie, Hanabi.

Scarlet Phantom –If the basic attack is critical, the attack speed and critical probability will increase significantly. Berseeker’s Fury – Your base attack becomes critical more often, and critical damage deals more damage. So the important thing is that you are often critical. It really hurts when you get critical!

4. Golden Staff + Demon Hunter Sword (DHS)

This item combo is Attack speed Fast for In installments Quickly attack enemy tanks with passive skills that support you without the need for critical hits. Suitable examples for using this item combo: Curry, Badan, Sun, Claude. They are heroes who need a basic attack to develop passive skills that can quickly defeat tanks.

Demon Hunter Sword (DHS) – A normal attack on a tank with thick HP will do a lot of damage. Golden staff – Passive skills and item effects that require some basic attacks can be activated with fewer basic attacks than without this item. Previously it took 5 times more basic attacks to get passive, but this item only needs 3!

5. Heptacea Blade + Malefic Ro Ro Ro

This item combo is very suitable for use with type heroes. Assassin Only 1-2 skills and blows are required.burst His opponent. Suitable examples for using this item combo: Lancelot, Natalia, Bain, Chow, Joe Head, Hilda.

Heptaceas blade –The first physical attack on your opponent is very badly hurt (if you don’t hit / hit within 5 seconds). Malefic Ro –Basic Attack Turret & Thick armored enemies penetrate very well.And these two items have a function Physical penetration – Damage that ignores the enemy’s physical defense. Therefore, the strategy simply hides in the bush, and when you see an enemy, you can burst with skill + basic attack and the hero guaranteed against wizards, MMs, or assassins will disappear instantly.

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Item type: Magic attack

A combination of magic attack items that are valid in Mobile Legends 2020

1. Glowing wand + Ice queen wand + Genius wand

This is a combination of magical items best seller For meta of mage heroes! These three items are cane-shaped items! This is the combination of your favorite SPIN 2021 Mobile Legends items.The best combo item for hero types Mage support Those who have skills Low cooldown It can also spam skills such as Lunox, Valir, Chang’e, Nana, Gord and Kagura.

Shining cane -Every time you use your opponent’s hero skill, it burns every second and takes damage. Ice queen wand -Every time you use a skill on your opponent, your opponent’s movement speed will decrease. Genius wand –Each hit skill reduces the opponent’s magic defense. That’s why it’s an item combo that desperately makes the current support mage hero! It slows down, reduces magic defense, and burns every second. And as a bonus, your hero mage can get a fairly high movement speed from 3 items.

2. Fate Clock + Lightning Trunk

This item combo is very suitable for use by skilled magician type heroes. + Area burstSuitable examples for using this item combo: Cecilion, Odette, Lunox, Vale, Eudora, Pharsa.

Fate clock – The longer you hold this item, the more HP and magic it will have. Lightning Luncheon – Each skill scatters to multiple enemies (Windtalker’s magic item).Therefore, these two items give the amount Which is bigger Lightning transitions work well because the damage depends on the number of heroes. That’s why Cecilion and Farsa can wipe out minion waves with just one skill.

3. Genius Wand + Divine Grave

This item combo is very suitable for use by Indonesian wizard type heroes. Second half of the game If the enemy hero already has an item Thick magic defense For example, Oracle & Athena Shield. It’s even better if your hero is a hero with burst damage skills that can be spammed, such as Cecilion, Serena, Farsa, Odette, Kagra, and Lunox.

Divine Grave –All skills that hit a hero with high magic defense will be truly translucent. Genius wand –Each hit skill reduces the opponent’s magic defense. So if you want more than 100 magic defenses, get this item combo and it will turn into paper!

4. Heavenly Wings + Grim Reaper of Disaster

This item combo is very suitable for use with type heroes. Warrior magician Reliable person Basic attack After using the skill. Suitable examples for using this item combo: Esmeralda, Guinevere, Harris, Sylvanna.

Calamity Reaper –Every time you use a skill, the basic attack on your opponent becomes much more painful (the magic item is an endless battle). Heavenly wings – All basic attacks deal additional damage depending on the magical power they have. Your hero has a very fast attack speed + movement speed, so skill + base attack can quickly get a lot of additional damage.

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Item type: Defense

This is an effective item defense combination in Mobile Legends 2020

1. Queen’s Wings + Rose Gold Meteor

This item combo is very effective for assassins, MMs, or fighter heroes who need it. attack And defense at the same time.Heroes who often use this item combo Second half of the game: Alucard, Freia, Curry, Ruby, Diros

Rose Gold Meteor –If the hero’s HP is exhausted, you will get a temporary pavise. Queen’s wings –When the hero’s HP is exhausted, the hero suddenly becomes very stiff. That’s why it’s so hard to suddenly defeat heroes like Alucard and Dyrroth who already have this item combo at this point. HP is dead. Suddenly hardened and got a life steal and a large shield.

2. Oracle + Guardian Helmet

This item combo is very effective for skilled tank heroes Playback Alternatively, use the battle spell “Revitalize”. Effective heroes use this combination of items: Hylos and Uranus.

Oracle – Increase HP regen and shield from heroes. Guardian helmet – Each time you leave Team Fight, your hero gets a huge HP regen. Imagine playing Uranus’s passive full stack + ulti + Revitalize in addition to these two items. Within seconds of his death, his HP will be full again! If you already have these two items, you don’t need to recall them to your base again to restock your phone.

3. Dominance Ice + Twilight Armor

One of the lesser-known 2021 Mobile Legends item combinations. This item combo is very effective for tank heroes who fight enemy heroes in physical damage bursts such as Aldus, Brody, Irisel, Leslie, Bruno. This hero is suitable for any tank hero if the game has been in battle with a burst hero for more than 10 minutes.

Dominance ice cream – As you get closer to your hero, it slows down the movement and attack speed of enemy heroes. Twilight armor –Anti-damage burst, damage that immediately kills the hero’s HP. So the combo is that the twilight armor can withstand the burst damage of the enemy, but the downside is that the twilight armor has a 4 second cooldown, so it can burst once every 4 seconds.

Now it’s the role of Dominance Ice. This item significantly reduces the enemy’s attack speed. For example, an Irisel that holds a critical of up to 900 damage with Twilight Armor can deal 2000 damage on the next hit, but due to its slow attack speed, the Twilight Armor cooldown updates for 4 seconds. it was done. Therefore, your hero will be very difficult to explode with these physical heroes.

4. Brute force breast plate + sander belt

This item combo is very effective for fighter and tank heroes who need physical defense and have fast changeable cooldown skills. spam, And there is a base attack interlude when the skill cools down. Examples of suitable heroes to use this combination of items are Uranus, You John, Bererick, Lapu Lapu, Joe Head, and Tammuz.

Brute force breast plate –After using the skill, defense and movement speed will increase. Thunder belt –After using a skill on an enemy, a normal attack gains additional damage and slow. Therefore, the hero who has this item combo can move quickly and slow down the enemy with all basic attacks, so it is easy to defeat the enemy.

Also read: Is Mobile Legends Season 19 still stuck in Rank Legends? These 3 Tips for You!

It is a commentary of the second series about Item combination Mobile Legends (ML) 2021. Remember that this knowledge applies to gameplay.

You can also check the YouTube video below. This list is a bit different from SPIN’s, but it’s still relevant to the 2021 meta.

If the spinner has ideas for other Mobile Legends: Bang Bang combination items, you can comment on this article and authors can include combo items in this 2021 Mobile Legends (ML) Item Combinations article. Please be so.

Read also: 5 Hero Counter Lancelot MLBB, useless users!

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