This Dota 2 analyst is fed up with players playing hero technology!

This Dota 2 analyst is fed up with players playing hero technology! Dota 2 analyst Kirill “Sunlight” Kachinsky feels about players using Techies in their games. I’m talking about what you are doing. He vehemently criticized this Techies hero user.

He complained in his Twitter account that Dota 2 players using Techies were “garbage” and had childish ideas.

“Tech players are trash. Every time I sit down to play Dota, I hope I’m against my childish thoughts,” Sunlight tweeted. twitter..

Source: ggScore

Sunlight didn’t explain any further why Dota 2 players who used this bomb planter hero got angry, but many were frustrated when there were enemies using Techies. The existence of this hero.

Previously, Sunlight also criticized the Anti-Mage persona. Sunlight likens an anti-mage persona to Netflix’s Immortal Guard. Leading actress Charlize Theron is worse than her.

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Source: Hawk Bets logo

“Immortal Guard” is a thriller movie based on the comic of the same name. There are many positive reviews on this movie, but many people find it bad, so Sunlight considers the anti-mage persona to be worse than this movie.

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