Mobile Legends free hero rotation
GridGames.ID – Mobile Legends every week always presents free heroes that players can use when playing in any mode.
For example, you don’t have a Fanny hero, with this free hero rotation, you can use Fanny and a series of heroes that you don’t have.
Not all heroes can be free, there are a total of 8 free heroes rotated every week and an additional 6 heroes for Starlight Member players.
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This May, Mobile Legends has announced a free hero rotation in the 1.3.74 update. Here’s the explanation:
Period 3-10 May 2021
Fanny, Hayabusa, Harley, Hanabi, Irithel, Lapu-lapu Moskov and Ruby
6 additional free Heroes Starlight Member:
Hilda, Claude, Diggie Jawhead, Chang’e and Lunox.
Period 10-17 May 2021
Roger, Franco, Chou, Helcurt, Argus, Jawhead, Alpha and Belerick
6 additional free Heroes Starlight Member:
Ruby, Lesley, Hanabi, Hylos, Thamuz and Badang.
Period 17-24 May 2021
Bruno, Cyclops, Hayabusa, Zhask, Lolita, Lancelot, Karrie and Aldous
6 additional free Heroes Starlight Member:
Sun, Lapu-lapu, Natalia, Grock, Argus and Claude.
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Period 24-31 May 2021
Franco, Estes, Karina, Gusion, Angela, Hilda, Selena and Uranus
6 additional free Heroes Starlight Member:
Clint, Moskov, Harley, Lancelot, Leomord and Thamuz.
Each period above follows the server time which you can see in the settings on the top right corner.
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