This is the new Mobile Legends Mode leak – Shadow Broll!
To attract new players and keep old players, Mobile Legends regularly makes its own updates every few months.
This update can take the form of events, new game modes, and so on. One of the things Moonton brings to their favorite games is a new mode.
This new mode is called Shadow Brawl, and from the name alone, you can already guess that this mode has something to do with the melee mode.
Yes, yes, the concept of the game is the same as playing Broll, but in this mode all the heroes you play are the same as in Mirror mode.
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What do you mean? The point is that mirror mode or all the same heroes apply to the brow.
So you play brawls as usual, but use all the same heroes for your teammates.
For more information on this video, please watch the video below.
The video will show you how Shadow Braw Mode will look in future Mobile Legends updates.
There is no further information on the release date, probably as this mode is in the evaluation stage first.
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