Tips for earning points at free Fire Guild racing events! | Spin

Galena presents again Event The name of the event is Guild Race to accompany Freefire players in Ramadan this month. At this event, Free Fire players will compete to earn as many points as possible to become the top Free Fire Guild.

There are fascinating prizes at this guild racing event. In other words, the top-ranked guild can choose from 7 gunskins. The event has milestones where you can earn certain points and quickly win compelling prizes such as 10 Gold Royale Tickets, Emotes and 3 Robo Boxes.

There are many ways to earn points at a guild race event, and there are tips for quickly earning points at a guild race event. please look!

Play with your guild friends

The name of the event is Guild Race, and playing automatically with guild members will definitely increase your guild points faster. In addition, playing with friends also provides a unique excitement when playing Free Fire.

Also read: 5 Tips for Winning Rank Mode with Free Fire!

Play with lower rank players

In the game it’s not a secret Rank Then adjusted by the enemy Rank What you have. Therefore, a hint to earn points in the next Free Fire Guild Race is to play with players such as: RankIts low, so you can even get simple enemies and bots.

But that doesn’t mean it’s easy to win the game. Rank Low prone position cheat Jockeys and account users Smurfs. Tips for earning points quickly in guild races Spinner..

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