Wow! Reza Arap Disbands AOV Division in His Esports Team, WAW Esport

GridGamesID – Surely you already know that this dream handsome gamer has his own esports team? Yoi, since last one year,

Yep, WAW Esport is the name. In it there are many divisions, noble from PUBG Mobile, Mobile Legend, Fortnite to Apex Legends.

Now, recently, one of their most accomplished divisions, namely the AOV division, was officially disbanded.

That’s right, disband.

Also Read: Reza Arap Kicks 1 Member of WAW eSports AOV Division. What caused it?

Even though at the end of last year, this team managed to win the ANC (AOV National Championship).

Reportedly, this disbandment is due to differences in vision among its members.

Just a reminder, previously WAW Esport had also kicked one person from the AOV division because of an attitude problem.

Well, the disbandment itself was announced on April 1 yesterday through the official WAW Esports Instagram account.

With congratulations and success, this division finally officially disbanded.

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Through his personal account, Reza Arap also said goodbye and thanked the AOV division for giving this achievement to WAW Esports.

Well, it’s really hard to unify people’s vision and mission.

Okay, good luck to all former members of the WAW Esports AOV division, don’t stop playing AOV, okay!


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