Write down! These are the latest changes in the Mobile Legends Update Version 1.3.22

Kimmy, the new Mobile Legends hero who is the background for the latest opening update version 1.3.22


Kimmy, the new Mobile Legends hero who is the background for the latest opening update version 1.3.22

GridGames.ID – Mobile Legends is back with updates version 1.3.22 in Advanced Server which will be released in the near future on Original Server.

As usual, every update in Mobile Legends, there will also be some changes and adjustments.

Among them is that there will be improvements hero and skins new interesting that will be presented in updates Mobile Legends version 1.3.22 this.

Eits, not only that, on updates the latest version 1.3.22 there are also adjustments made to the Battlefield alias Equipment Items and Battle Spell.

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What’s the matter? items and spell customized on updates this version? this is the answer.

Equipment Items

– Hunter’s Knife

Items Hunter's Knife


Items Hunter’s Knife

There are extra adjustments EXP obtained from jungling up to 20% of the initial 15% wrote, guys.

Wow, that’s good news heroes who like jungling.

Battle Spell

Usually we like to be very economical, even just waiting for the right moment when we want to use it spell.

But this time there is a reduction for the whole cooldown on battle spells previously we had to wait 150 seconds, now only 120 seconds.

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– Retribution

Battle Spell Retribution


Battle Spell Retribution

There is an adjustment of the duration of Damage Reduction which was 5 seconds to 8 seconds.

But you can apply this if you use Jungling equipment items never mind, guys.

If you use equipment items Others are still 5 seconds.

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– Purify

Battle Spell Purify


Battle Spell Purify

Adjustment cooldown on spell Purify which we usually have to wait for 110 seconds, is now 90 seconds.

– Sprint

Battle Spell Sprint


Battle Spell Sprint

Adjust buff on Movement Speed from 42% to 56%, it’s good to be able to run faster, huh.


Bravery (Custom Jungle Emblem)


Bravery (Custom Jungle Emblem)

Greed (Custom Jungle Emblem)


Greed (Custom Jungle Emblem)

There is an adjustment to Custom Jungle Emblem i.e. changing the name Bravery Becomes Thrill and Greed Becomes Balance.

But everything is still the same, really.

Hopefully you can remember this information and be useful, yha, guys!


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