MPL ID Season 6 Week 3 Day 1 Results: Onic Finally Lost?

MPL ID Season 6 Week 3 Day 1 Results: Onic Finally Lost? Mobile Legends Professional League (MPL) Indonesia Season 6 has entered week 3 day 1, where there will be 2 matches taking place.

However, the first match was between Aura eSports Vs Alter Ego and the second was Onic eSports Vs Evos Legends.

For spinners who are left behind regarding the results of the MPL ID Season 6 week 3 day 1, SPIN Esports presents a summary for spinners.

Aura eSports vs Alter Ego

Aura eSports vs Alter Ego Match 1

The match started from the start with the dominance of Alter Ego, where Selena (Udil) played very aggressively.

Marks all maps with skill 1 which makes all Aura movements visible.

Yi Sun Shin (Celiboy) also played very aggressively in this game, with 8 kills.

Alter Ego’s dominance was evident from the start, so the outcome of this match was predictable.

There is a giveaway contest with a prize of 1 million rupiah in game vouchers in the application!

When the first Lord was secured by Alter Ego, it was the last minute in game 1 and Alter Ego won game 1.

Aura eSports vs Alter Ego Match 2

Different from game 1 where in this game the match was dominated by Aura in the early game.

Even their domination lasted very long, the main attack led by Yi Sun Shin (Vans) coupled with Change (VaanStrong) made Alter Ego’s defense easy to penetrate.

results of MPL season 6 week 3 day 1

As a result, when the 13th minute has entered the entire Alter Ego turret has been destroyed including the main turret which will also soon be destroyed.

Considering that the minion was very large because Aura managed to secure the first lord and soon the main turret was destroyed and the score now became 1-1.

Aura eSports vs Alter Ego Match 3

Continue in the third game or the deciding game, the match runs quite balanced in the early game where the point kill was successfully obtained by the two teams alternately.

The match went very exciting, both teams killed each other and played objectives.

But here Claude (Celiboy) played better than Yi Sun Shin (Vanss), after all this time, finally Aura made a little mistake and was taken advantage of directly by Alter Ego.

results of MPL season 6 week 3 day 1

And they quickly secured the second game and the score is now 2-1.

Next Match

EVOS Legends Vs ONIC Esports Match 1

The second match on day 1 was continued with EVOS Legends against ONIC Esports

The match in the early game was very exciting, but in 6 minutes ONIC Esports managed to wipe out to EVOS. Unfortunately, there are connection problems that hit EVOS, this is known from all Wannn chats that say “It’s really lagging”.

ONIC Esports also got their first victory with EVOS Legends players who chose to stay silent at their base due to lag.

Butss ONIC Esports MVP vs EVOS

EVOS Legends Vs ONIC Esports Match 2

The second game from EVOS against ONIC immediately ran fiercely and in 7 minutes ONIC got 7 kills and EVOS got 6 kills.

Sanz with Harith is playing crazy and EVOS is having a hard time getting a kill at Sanz. On the 14th minute, ONIC Esports managed to secure the second game and solidify it at the top of the standings.

EVOS Vs ONIC Esports MPL ID Season 6 Week 3

It is unfortunate that this supposedly exciting match had to be hampered by a pause problem, but this was in accordance with the MPL rules agreed by all teams.

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