Riot Games Officially Releases New Agent VALORANT Yoru!

Riot Games Officially Releases New Agent VALORANT Yoru!

Riot Games officially revealed Yoru, a duelist, as the next agent in the VALORANT game. Today, we can catch a glimpse of the video, the skills and the Japanese dueslist story.

Yoru had leaked a week before its official disclosure, allowing the VALORANT community to get a glimpse of its deceptive, hidden and chaotic style of play.

Yoru is our Intruder Duelist, using various tools to reposition himself, or create fakes. Yoru players will lurk around the map, cause chaos, and get frags, “Said the official Riot material.

Yoru’s skills allow him to mimic footsteps and flank his enemies with portals, while also taking advantage of his flash and ultimate abilities which make him invisible and invincible in no time.

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Also Read: This is Valorant Yoru’s Latest Contract Agent Gift!

There is a giveaway contest with a prize of 1 million rupiah in game vouchers in the application!

John Goscicki, product lead for Riot characters said,“We know it’s time to rock at VALORANT. The idea of ​​’Stealthy Infiltration’ is something we have played with for years, but will never fit into the game. We feel that if we start from the ground up we can create an Agent that revolves around the ‘Hidden Infiltration’ idea in a number of ways. “

Here are the skills for Yoru:

  • Skill 1 ⁠— Fakeout: EQUIP echo that mimics footsteps when activated. FIRE to activate and send the echo forward. ALT FIRE to place the echo in place. USE echo off to send it forward.
  • Skill 2 ⁠— Gatecrash: EQUIP to take advantage of the rift tether. FIRE to send mooring forward. ALT FIRE to install the moorings in place. ACTIVATE to teleport to a mooring location.
  • Skill Signature ⁠Blindside: EQUIP to tear unstable dimensional fragments from reality. FIRE to throw shards, activating a flash that will explode after colliding with a hard surface.
  • Ultimate Skill ⁠Dimensional Drift: EQUIP a mask that can see between dimensions. The FIRE drifted into Yoru’s dimension, unable to be affected or seen by the enemy from outside.

Also Read: How to Change Display Name and Riot ID on VALORANT

Also Read: This is the Release Date and Time Schedule for Valorant Episode 2!

Some pro players have also played Yoru:

Relyks from Cloud9 Blue:

Steel from 100Thieves

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