6 Roles of Ksatriya in the MOBA Lokapala Game that You Must Know

Lokapala Fighter Knights

Lokapala Fighter Knights

GridGames.ID – One of the mandatory things when playing MOBA genre games is hero mastery.

By mastering at least one hero, you can make a very useful contribution to the team.

MOBA games themselves really need teamwork, where the skill of using heroes is a benchmark so that the team is able to bring victory when playing.

Also Read: Listen! Simple Tips & Tricks to Play Lokapala for Beginners

This must also be applied when you play the game Lokapala: Saga of Six Realms, a MOBA game by the nation’s children.

This game was developed by Anantarupa Studio and published by PT Melon Indonesia as a publisher under the name OOLEAN GAMES.

Illustration of playing Lokapala


Illustration of playing Lokapala

Lokapala itself has a total of 6 hero roles, commonly known as Ksatriya.

Just like MOBA games in general, the 6 Ksatriya roles in Lokapala also have different functions or tasks.

Also Read: 3 Ksatriya Marksman You Must Master in the Lokapala MOBA Game

Paying attention to the tasks of the roles used by the team when playing Lokapala is important.

If you don’t pay attention or don’t even pay attention, you can result in losing the game.

Therefore, you must know some of the roles of Ksatriya Lokapala that you must master and know their duties.

1. Fighter

Lokapala Fighter Knights

Lokapala Fighter Knights

This fighter knight has a fairly heavy task, where the task of a fighter is to attack from close range (melee).

Therefore, good skill and speed are needed when using a fighter type Knight.

During the game, the Ksatriya fighter is expected to attack first and then the rest can be overcome by Assassins and Marksman.

Ksatriya fighter is also very reliable to keep the line alone, guys.

2. Marksman

Knight Marksman Lokapala

Knight Marksman Lokapala

This Marksman Knight is definitely one of the Knights who has the most damage and is a determinant in MOBA game play.

Because during the late game, this Knight Marksman will be the deadliest killer with his build items.

Well, to make the Ksatriya Marksman build item deadly, you have to be diligent in farming at the beginning of the game while keeping the tower.

If the build item is ready, this Knight can start joining the war.

Also Read: 5 Reasons Why You Should Play the MOBA Mobile Game ‘Lokapala’

3. Mage

Knight Mage Lokapala

Knight Mage Lokapala

Ksatriya Mage has a duty to kill the enemy while protecting his team’s Knight.

The mage itself has very high magic damage which serves to kill the enemy.

While the magic skills in the Ksatriya mage function to protect the Ksatriya from his team.

4. Assassin

Lokapala Assassin Knight

Lokapala Assassin Knight

Next is the Ksatriya Assassin who becomes the executioner or execution of the enemy Ksatriya when his life is low.

Usually this Knight during the game will hide first to look for an opportunity to kill the opponent’s Knight.

So don’t be surprised when there are Knights who appear suddenly using ulti because it’s their job to sneak, hide and kill opponents suddenly.

Also Read: Here Are 4 Mage Knights That Must Be Mastered in the Lokapala MOBA GameBA

5. Tanks

Lokapala Tank Knights

Lokapala Tank Knights

Then there is the Knights Tank whose duty is to protect the role of the Knights of his team.

Because this knight has a strong life and defense, so the tank knight must be at the front during war.

So don’t be surprised if the Knights of the Tanks will sacrifice their lives for the team.

6. Support

Knight Support Lokapala

Knight Support Lokapala

Lastly, Ksatriya Support, whose job it is to support his team’s Knights during war and when not in war.

Even though his job is to support other Knights, this Knight can also be relied on to kill the opponent’s Knight.

Also Read: Lokapala Releases Assassin Type Knight Named Binara, this is the skill

So, those were the 6 Ksatriya roles in Lokapala and their duties that you must know.

Among the 6 roles above, which one is your favourite?


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