A fatal bug in mobile legend hero Luo Yi! Previously, Mobile Legends just released a new hero named Luo Yi. This hero is a mage type and does very painful damage. The gameplay of this hero is also very easy to learn, as the skills are very simple, especially the ultimate that can be teleported in place.
You already have this hero, either because Moonton was offered for free a while ago, or to be precise at yesterday’s May 2020 Mobile Legends birthday event, certainly because some of you already have this hero. I understand Luo Lee’s skills.
But less than a month has passed since this new hero was released. There is already a bug. This bug was discovered by a mobile legend player who was the center of conversation for Indonesian mobile legend game enthusiasts out of nowhere.
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Source: YouTube
This bug is not a regular bug as it has a fatal impact on the fairness of Mobile Legends games. In the above bug, Luo Yi can do the recall just by running Ultimate and the drone map will be created automatically.
Of course, this is very harmful to the opponent player. Because wherever they are, the player experiencing the bug with this Luo Yi hero will take their position. And in this regard, Moonton hasn’t banned Luo Yi heroes to fix bugs so far.
What do you think of the spinner? Do you guys experience this bug too? And if it’s true that this is a bug for this new hero, then the spinners who are chasing MMR with this hero at first You have to wait patiently. Same as drone view. Don’t forget to keep visiting our website to get the latest eSports news!