Bajan or Pendragon? Who did Evos choose for the off-runner position in MPL ID Season 6?

Bajan or Pendragon? Who did Evos choose for the MPL ID Season 6 off-learner position? As we know earlier, in the player transfer market shortly before MPL ID Season 6 began, one of Indonesia’s best mobile legends teams Added amazing players to the roster.

The amazing player is Pendragon. Pendragon came from an unpopular team, the Power Danger, so even Evosfan himself was completely unknown before. Fans questioned Evos’ decision to buy a player and had to throw away Buts at that point instead.

In fact, Pendragon’s own performance was very satisfying with the Evos Legends off-frenner position seen at yesterday’s MPL Invitational. Zeis.

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Donkey Bajan EVOS

Then, at yesterday’s MPL Invitational, after an internal issue that prevented him from playing, Bagan could reappear on the Evos Legends main list. Its performance has also proven to be very good at replacing the Pendragon at the Mytel event some time ago.

Rumors are widespread today that Zeys even chose Bagan as an off-flaner position over Pendragon as a coach and player for Evos Legends. But that’s just a rumor, and Pendragon still has a chance to show his quality in August’s MPL ID Season 6.

It’s interesting to see who Zeys chose to fill the Evos Legends of flaner position, is it Bajan or Pendragon? If you think who the spinner is, write it in the comments! Don’t forget to keep visiting our website to get the latest eSports news and follow us on Facebook!