Does Dr Disrespect Follow Ninja Streaming on YouTube?

In this regard, many have suggested streaming elsewhere while waiting for Dr Disrespect to ban him from the platform for Twitch reasons. And the goal proposed by the fans is global platforms such as Youtube and Facebook Gaming.

If so, he joins YouTube and follows in the footsteps of the ninja. His fans are so enthusiastic about meeting him there that he will soon sign up for YouTube.

Read again: Banning Twitch accounts, Dr. Disrespect finally opens his voice

DrDisrespect also edited the Twitter biography, placing the YouTube address at the top. Again, Dr Disrespect does not join YouTube officially or under contract, but joins YouTube like any other game streamer.This first appeared Rod “Slasher” Breathlau A little while ago.

However, this news is not always true, given that Dr Disrespect itself is not talking about anything. In addition, there were rumors that DrDisrespect would also participate in Facebook Gaming.

DrDisrespect is a well-known American streamer whose name has become famous thanks to Twitch, playing and streaming FPS games.

What do spinners think when DrDisrespect streams on YouTube like Ninja? Don’t forget to keep visiting our website to get the latest eSports news and follow us on Facebook!

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